Tag Archives: Cpl. Tom Vest

Hurricane Ian: Shem Creek shrimpers help iconic trawler grounded on Myrtle Beach – Ready to move!

“We’re a community, and we ride together,” said Grace Edwards of Shem Creek Fisheries. “No one wants to see the boat break up on shore. “We all grew up with (that boat),” she said. “Edwards said Magwood’s nephew Rocky and some other Shem Creek fishermen helped unload ice and fuel from the Shayna Michelle to make the 68-foot fiberglass trawler lighter. “That is a piece of Mount Pleasant history, really,” said Mount Pleasant Mayor Will Haynie. “I’m proud that a lot of our local shrimping community has pitched in to help.” 4 photos, Video, >click to read< 18:00

Uncooperative tide delays removal of boat left behind by Hurricane Ian – According to Myrtle Beach Police Department spokesperson, MCpl. Tom Vest, the original plan was to remove the boat Monday at high tide. But that won’t be happening because the tide has kept two smaller tug boats from making it to Myrtle Beach. >click to read<