Tag Archives: dolphin deaths

NOAA Study Ties Deepwater Horizon Spill To Dolphin Deaths

These findings support those of a 2011 health assessment of live dolphins in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, a heavily oiled area during the spill which showed those resident dolphins had poor health, adrenal disease, and lung disease. The timing and nature of the detected lesions support that contaminants from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill caused these lesions and contributed to the high numbers of dolphin deaths within this oil spill’s footprint. Increased dolphin deaths after the oil spill are part of the northern Gulf of Mexico unusual mortality event investigation. Read the rest here 07:59

BP spill continues to threaten Gulf wildlife, says Enviro group

“Given the significant quantity of oil remaining on the floor of the Gulf and the unprecedented large-scale use of dispersants during the spill, it will be years or even decades before the full impact of the Deepwater Horizon disaster is known,” the report said. “It is clear that robust scientific monitoring of the Gulf ecosystem and its wildlife populations must continue — and that restoration of degraded ecosystems should begin as soon as possible.” Read the rest here 11:58

Dolphin deaths spreading to SC

BEAUFORT COUNTY, S.C. — A virus is crippling unusually high numbers of dolphins along the East Coast, and at least one infected dolphin has been stranded in Beaufort County, according to federal oceanic scientists. more@heraldonline  09:39

U.S. Dolphin Deaths Rise to 300; Cause Still a Mystery

Based on the rapid increase in dead bodies (bodies?)washing ashore, and the broad geographic reach, “an infectious pathogen is at the top of the list of potential causes,” according to NOAA’s website. more@natgeo  17:12

NOAA – Dolphin deaths an “Unusual Mortality Event” in the Mid-Atlantic

Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 (as amended), an Unusual Mortality Event (UME) has been declared for bottlenose dolphins in the Mid-Atlantic region from early July 2013 through the present. [email protected]

New fishing regulations seek to limit whale, dolphin deaths

A new federal rule proposal that seeks to support the state’s fisheries  while also protecting whales, dolphins and other marine mammals from  getting hurt or killed in trawl lines and other fishing gear will be the  subject of public hearings in Maine next month. continued@kennebecjournal