Tag Archives: Dr. Ed Iannuccilli

Bring Back the Peddlers

With a quarantine upon us, I wonder what it would be like to have our neighborhood peddlers back. Trusted men who added life to our streets, they rumbled down Wealth Avenue in waves. Joe the ragman was a musty unshaven, gnome-like character,, The fisherman’s dark-green, open, panel truck transported firm, fresh fish neatly arranged in wooden sections fitted to the bed of the truck. A rattling scale on a chain hung from a hook. Melting ice dripped from the tailgate. Unshaven and wearing a discolored old Yankee cap tipped to the side, he bore the vaporous look of exhaustion. His canvas coat was stained with dried blood. His high rubber boots flopped against his knees. He grabbed the fillet, flipped it onto the scale, wrapped it in newspaper and off he went, the engine rumbling. >click to read< 12:19