Tag Archives: fisherynation

Letter: Informative wind energy resources out there, by Carol Frazier

I just watched a video on YouTube entitled “Bonnie Brady’s Crash Course in Offshore Wind and the Anti-Fishing Lobby”. I don’t recall any of our local news media (other than Mike Bradley of WGMD 92.7 fm) reporting on any of the information and facts contained therein. That said, I have also been made aware of a new fact regarding offshore wind of which people need to be aware. The wind turbines must be regularly “cooled” which is done by drawing ocean water into electrical substations using “once through” cooling systems – these systems are now prohibited in newer power plants because of the devastating effects on aquatic life. The first planned project off our coast calls for 121 turbines and up to four transfer stations. I would suggest everyone read the article “Offshore Wind Electrical Substations: The Secret, Silent Killers” by Jim Lovgren at Fisherynation.com. >click to read the letter< 08:38

An April Fools Day Prank and a Hack!

Yesterday was April 1st commonly known as April fools day, a day when people pull pranks for whatever reason suits them. Fisherynation published an April Fool prank claiming that President Donald Trump had announced a complete moratorium of the planning, development, and construction of Offshore Windfarms. If you just read the first paragraph of the article you believed that it was true. If you did read the whole article you would discover that it was a prank and you felt cheated, even mad that someone could pull the wool over your eyes like that, because if you are a fisherman this was your most fervent hope because only the president has the power to stop this outrageous boondoggle at this time. The article was by Boris Badenuff which should have tipped you off. [Rocky and Bullwinkle, Russian collusion?] ,,, The point of the prank,,, >click to read<07:36

Good Morning Fisherynation! We are going to jumpstart the website today.

As many of you know, I was in the ICU at the hospital for eleven days. This was the first interruption in the flow of information we find and post that we consider would be of interest to our readers. Please bear with me as we try to get this thing going again. We’ve had well over a million viewers this year, as we have for the three years past. There are still plenty of obstacles that I need to conquer, the next being heart surgery. With that said, here we go! 11:31

Taufen: Volksverdummung’s Alive and Well in Fisheries

The Germans call the stupefaction, misleading or brainwashing of the people ‘Volksverdummung’— which seems to be well-established in the seafood industry these days. It’s been largely ushered down the regulation-making aisles by a few greedy corporations and fishermen who feel entitled, and financially assisted by major conservation (allegedly) NGOs.

Especially in the Alaska zone, the Paradox of Plenty — the reflection of a Resource Curse, lives well, and profitably so for a few winners —and those winners continues to destroy thousands of jobs for captains and fishing crews. Certainly a few Congressmen settle for nickels in campaign contributions to ignore the rights of a majority of the People.

Especially when it comes to fisheries “Catch Shares” mentality (CS), the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the Alaska-focused North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) — despite access to information on global failures of privatizations of public resources — continues to betray a baffling ignorance of the subject matter under discussion.

Before I get into the dispossession of fisher family opportunities, incomes, wealth and rights caused by “Enclosure of the Commons” — privatization schemes such as catch shares — or into the abrogation of the promise that no American fisherman would be charged for the privilege rights to fish, and the postured shallowness of CS proponents who exploit fear and use disaster economic lies to exploit resources, why don’t we set up some thinking ground?!  Read more here 10:43

Fisherynation Editorial – Jane (eliminator) Lubchenco’s Consolidation Porn Production. Paid for with your fish.

So. I’m sittin’ here rackin’ my brain, just wondering, what beauracratic, moronic, opportunist would commission a group of dream team bean counters, with some financial hocus pocus wizards to invent a $180 million dollar loan package (that’s what it is) for a desperate, beleaguered, broken industry, and wondering what collateral is being used to support this Jane  (eliminator) Lubchenco, consolidation porn production?!!

My fish. Your fish. Our fish.

I mean, man. You know none of the politicians would come up with an idea like that?!

They BURN money. They don’t expect it to provide a return. They shovel it to get rid of problems. Shut people up. Closure.

Then they do it again for the next big thing!

But this. THIS is REALLY something!

A $180 Million dollar loan to buy up the rest of the guys that our politicians say they care about, the little guys, freeing up all kinds of fish to finance the thing.

$15 Million for at sea monitors that NOAA was looking at from their budget because it was a small boat breaker.

Paid for with our fish.

Slick little fix for Andy and his gig from Team Dismantle.
Good score, Drew!! aunty got yer back!

Paid for with our now more expensive fish.

$30 MILLION so the big boys can have more fish, plus $5 million for sector management that should after two years should be self sufficient by now, and will be seeing an exodus of the disenfranchised.

And a paltry $7.5 MILLION for collaborative and “traditional” research?

From what I’ve seen of “traditional” lately from Team Eliminator, “traditional” should continue to be funded from “traditional” sources. Like the NOAA budget, while this industry aligned with schools like SMAST and VIMS get us what we need. Real results, not that eco system crap Rusty does.

That “traditional” has been continuous trade offs, as was revealed at the yellow tail working group meeting. Enough trade offs.

I say $7.5 Million for collaborative research should come from the NOAA budget. Its time the people’s money was used properly.

This thing has a familiar odor.