Tag Archives: fishing vessel capsized
Video: Coast Guard, others rescue 2 fishermen near Kodiak, Alaska
The Coast Guard rescued two fishermen after their vessel capsized near Kodiak Wednesday afternoon. Watchstanders at the 17th Coast Guard District Command Center received a distress alert from the fishing vessel F/V Tanusha’s emergency position indicating radio beacon at 9:48 a.m. Wednesday. Watchstanders directed the launch of a helicopter aircrew from Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak and requested assistance from the Alaska State Troopers. The watchstanders also made attempts to contact vessels near the location of the distress signal via radio. Crewmembers aboard the fishing vessel F/V Victory received the request for assistance and navigated towards Tanusha’s last known location. The crew of the Victory located the Tanusha capsized and two fishermen in a life raft. A Coast Guard MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter aircrew hoisted the two fishermen with the help of the Alaska State Trooper vessel Stimson, and transported them to awaiting emergency medical services personnel in Kodiak in stable condition. Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 18:38
All crew members rescued after 65-foot fishing vessel capsized just off Ventura Harbor entrance
Four crew members were rescued after their 65-foot commercial fishing vessel capsized just outside of the Ventura Harbor entrance Friday. Two of those crew members were transported to a local hospital for further medical evaluation shared the Ventura Harbor Patrol. At 9:59 a.m., the Ventura Harbor Patrol and U.S. Coast Guard received a report of the capsized F/V Net Effect, a 65-foot fishing vessel, just outside of the Harbor’s entrance stated a request for information from the Ventura Harbor Patrol. According to Ventura Harbor Patrol, the capsized vessel is outside the jurisdiction of the Harbor and Port District boundaries and the U.S. Coast Guard is coordinating the handling of removing fuel from the vessel. Video, Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 13: 47

Coast Guard promises aid to families of 5 Pinoys on capsized Chinese fishing vessel
The Philippine Coast Guard on Wednesday expressed condolences and promised assistance to the families left behind by Filipino sailors who died after a fishing vessel capsized in the Indian Ocean last week. There were 39 sailors aboard fishing vessel Lu Peng Yuan Yu 028—five Filipinos, 17 Chinese and 17 Indonesians. No one survived the incident, according to an initial probe done by China’s transport ministry. Lu Peng Yuan Yu 028 capsized at around 3 a.m., Manila time, in Australia’s search-and-rescue region, around 5,000 kilometers, or 2,700 nautical miles, west of Perth, on Tuesday last week.>click to read< 09:46

Fishing Vessel Capsized off Race Point; Four Crew Members Rescued
Noah Santos and Malcolm Hunter were working on the docks at Flyer’s Boat Rentals on Tuesday, May 17 when the mayday call dropped around 10:10 a.m. A lobster boat had capsized off Race Point, and a crew of four needed help. The Coast Guard plane circled overhead, and the pair of tow boats zeroed in on the four crewmen: Capt. Glenn Rorro, Chris Gibson, Giacomo Luke, and Braden Wilson. That day, as the F/V Angela & Mary III took on water, the life raft refused to cooperate, said Rorro. It had failed to inflate automatically, and, to make matters worse, it wasn’t tied on properly. Untethered, the raft drifted away from the boat. But Luke jumped into the 49-degree water — without his survival suit. >click to read< 09:34

HM Coastguard Rescues Four Fishermen from Capsized Vessel in English Channel
Four fisherman have been rescued after their fishing vessel capsized in the English Channel approximately 14 nautical miles south of Eastbourne, England on Thursday. The HM Coastguard successfully winched two of the fisherman from the overturned hull of the fishing vessel, while a nearby ship rescued two others from the water. >click to read<18:37