Tag Archives: Jamie Green

“All I am is a fisherman. That’s all I’m guilty of Your Honour.”
On May 31, 2010, the biggest haul of cocaine ever found in UK waters was discovered in 11 holdalls along the shore of the Isle of Wight, worth £53 million. Four fishermen and a local scaffolder who masterminded the operation were charged and found guilty of the offence, and were sentenced to 104 years in prison between them. They have always denied any involvement. Subsequent appeals have been lost but the men continue to protest their innocence. A new book tells the story from the perspective of one of the convicted fishermen, Jamie Green. The book, The Freshwater Five: A Fishing Crew’s Fight For Justice After Being Jailed for 104 Years is Jamie’s story written by Mike Dunn and Nicky Green. >click to read< 21:05

Who are the Freshwater Five and what did they do? Two of the men will have their convictions considered
In 2011, five men were given a combined 104-year prison sentence for masterminding a £53m drug smuggling operation. On May 29, 2010, a small fishing boat, the Galwad-Y-Mor, left the Isle of Wight on what the crew claimed was a routine trip to catch lobster and crab in the Channel. That night, a large drug operation led by the Serious Organised Crime Agency was taking place,,, Two of the men, Jonathan Beere and Daniel Payne, will have their convictions considered by the Court of Appeal this week. >click to read<
Freshwater Five: Radar evidence suggests surveillance plane and a suspect vessel – The Court of Appeal hearing begins tomorrow for two of the Freshwater Five, where new information will be put before the judge. All five men protest their innocence – following the trial they were sentenced for a total of 104 years; >Click to read<15:10

The drug-smuggling fishermen vowing to clear their name – Why was there no trace of cocaine?
On 29 May 2010, a small fishing boat left the Isle of Wight on what its crew claim was a routine trip to catch lobster and crab in the English Channel. At the same time, a major surveillance operation was also under way, led by the Serious Organised Crime Agency – which had intelligence about cocaine being on board a giant container ship sailing from South America. That night, one of the ships being monitored and the men’s fishing boat briefly came close together – though exactly how close is still disputed. click here to read the story 11:56