Tag Archives: Joint Task Force Atlantic
Uncle, nephew who died at sea in Lark Harbour tragedy remembered
Two generations of a family were lost after a boat capsized on Newfoundland’s west coast this weekend, leaving a community in mourning. On Sunday morning, after a vessel carrying six people capsized, the Canadian Coast Guard ship Cape Edensaw was dispatched from Lark Harbour to the west coast. The coast guard launched a fast rescue craft into the water, recovering two bodies. They were Trevor Childs and his nephew Nicholas Skinner, says Fish, Food & Allied Workers secretary-treasurer Jason Spingle. News of the deaths travelled across Newfoundland and Labrador on Sunday and drew condolences from government officials and members of the fishing industry. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 17:30
‘It doesn’t feel real,’ says Lark Harbour deputy mayor following death of 2 fishermen
The Newfoundland community of Lark Harbour has been rocked by the deaths of two fishermen, who died after a boat capsized Sunday. The Canadian Coast Guard ship Cape Edensaw was dispatched from Lark Harbour on Sunday to the rugged shoreline of Newfoundland’s west coast and launched a fast rescue craft into the water. The crew soon recovered the two bodies and spotted four survivors on the shoreline. Lark Harbour Deputy Mayor Ria MacDonald said much of the town found out near lunchtime on Sunday. “‘Reeling’ is the only word to really use. Nobody expects to lose anyone, let alone on the first day of the season.… And the way it went down, from what I understand, is devastating,” MacDonald said Monday. Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:45
Two people dead, four others make it to shore after vessel capsizes in Newfoundland
The Department of Fisheries and Oceans says two people were found dead and four others survived after a boat capsized off the west coast of Newfoundland. The department says the Canadian Coast Guard received a report of people in the water near the fishing town of Lark Harbour at around 11 a.m. Sunday after a seven-metre fishing vessel called Miss Jenny capsized with six people aboard. The coast guard issued a mayday relay to vessels in the area and its team, equipped with a fast rescue craft, along with a Cormorant helicopter based in Gander, N.L., were dispatched to help the people. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:41
UPDATED: Four people airlifted to hospital after vessel capsized off Newfoundland’s west coast
Four people were airlifted from a beach on the west coast of Newfoundland on Sunday morning and brought to hospital after a vessel was found capsized. RCMP spokesperson Cpl. Jolene Garland said the incident was near the community of Lark Harbour. In a post on the Town of Lark Harbour Facebook page, it was announced the town hall would be opened Sunday evening “as a gathering spot for our residents to support each other in this time of grief.” There was also a post telling residents to avoid Park & Youden Road. Captain Trevor Ackland, a spokesperson for the Joint Task Force Atlantic in support of the Joint Rescue and Coordination Centre in Halifax, said the centre responded to a call from the Maritime Rescue Sub-Centre in St. John’s for assistance after reports of people in the water. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 16:46

Search ends for missing fishing crew member 250 kilometres northeast of St. Anthony
A search by air and sea for a fishing boat crew member who went missing early Saturday morning in the waters near St. Anthony is over. Joint Task Force Atlantic tweeted Sunday night it’s now a missing person’s case and is in the hands of the RCMP. Joint Task Force Atlantic spokesperson Maj. Amber Binau had said the call came in from crew members of the Precious Jewel fishing vessel on Saturday at around 5 a.m, saying a person had fallen overboard about 250 kilometres northeast of St. Anthony. Search and rescue crews, including three Canadian Coast Guard ships and other auxiliary vessels, began looking for the crew member right away, she said. The search continued over the weekend. Binau said the person was not wearing a flotation device or survival gear at the time of the incident. >link<20:55

Search continues in St. Anthony area for fishing crew member that fell overboard
A crew member of a fishing boat has been missing for more than 24 hours after falling overboard in the waters near St. Anthony, according to officials. Joint Task Force Atlantic spokesperson Maj. Amber Binau said the call came in from crew members of the Precious Jewel fishing vessel on Saturday at around 5 a.m, saying a person had fallen overboard about 250 kilometres northeast of St. Anthony. Search and rescue crews, including three Canadian Coast Guard ships and other auxiliary vessels, began looking for the crew member right away, she said. The search continued all day Saturday, and weather conditions in the area have been favourable. Binau said the person was not wearing a flotation device or survival gear at the time of the incident. >link<10:25

Breaking: Coast Guard searching for 4 people in life-raft who abandoned fishing vessel off St. John’s
The coast guard is trying to find four people who abandoned their fishing vessel for a life-raft after issuing a distress call 160 kilometres off the coast of St. John’s on Friday night. A public affairs officer with the Joint Task Force Atlantic (JTFA) confirmed for CBC News that the position of the raft is known, but contact has not yet been established. The crew members were on board the Challenger Traveler, a 20-metre fishing vessel. JTFA would not immediately confirm what prompted the distress call. >click to read<22:12

Helicopter lands on Frying Pan Shoal as rescuers try to save fishing captain
There are questions about why the captain of a fishing boat in trouble off the northeast coast of mainland Nova Scotia was not rescued Wednesday when the other crew members were picked up. Fisherman’s Provider II started sinking Tuesday after running ground on a rocky shoal about four kilometres off Canso. There were four people on board at the time. Another fishing vessel, the Miss Lexi, came to the stranded men’s aid and managed to get three of the fishermen off the vessel. But the captain refused to leave and stayed on the boat. >click to read< 14:11

3 crew members rescued as Search and Rescue mission underway for fishing boat captain off Canso
A search and rescue mission is underway about four kilometres southeast of Canso, N.S., to find the captain of a fishing vessel that ran aground on rocks. The military’s Joint Task Force Atlantic said it received a distress call from the vessel at 11 p.m. Tuesday. Three of the four crew members were rescued when another fishing boat came to help, but the fourth person — the captain — stayed on the stranded vessel. There has been no communication with the captain since. >click to read< 23:32
Nova Scotia Lobster fisherman airlifted to hospital after falling overboard
A 32-year-old man was airlifted to hospital Saturday after he fell overboard a lobster boat off Lockeport, N.S. The man had been hit in the chest with a lobster trap before he fell over, according to a report from Joint Task Force Atlantic. The crew was able to rescue him quickly, but the man had hypothermia. A Cormorant helicopter was dispatched from CFB Greenwood to pick up the fisherman. From there, he was taken to Yarmouth for medical care, said Lt.-Navy Sean Ritchie with Joint Task Force Atlantic. The Chasin Crustacean was about 87 kilometres off Lockeport when the incident occurred. The man’s condition isn’t known. Link 18:32
Joint Task Force Atlantic release video of medevac rescue
A new video has been released by the Joint Task Force Atlantic that shows a medical evacuation from a fishing vessel off the coast of Newfoundland The Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre in Halifax dispatched a Comorant helicopter from 103 Search and Rescue Squadron in Gander and 413 Transport and Rescue Squadron in Greenwood, N.S., on Sunday. The aircraft responded to a vessel 235 nautical miles southwest of St. John’s. Watch the video here 08:43