Tag Archives: Mairi McAllan

Industry welcomes confirmation that HPMA proposals have been scrapped

The move was welcomed by the fishing industry which had campaigned against the proposal. Shetland Fishermen’s Association (SFA) executive officer Sheila Keith said members were pleased that common sense had prevailed. “The angst caused by the ill-conceived proposals was clear by the responses to the consultation which showed, when you removed campaign responses, 76 per cent of respondents opposed, and only 20 per cent supported the plans. “However, our concerns are not wholly alleviated as the government still discuss the implementation of “enhanced marine protection” over 10 per cent of Scottish waters. >>click to read<< 10:19

SNP fully scraps controversial fishing restrictions in final climbdown

Scottish Government minister Màiri McAllan announced her party will no longer pursue divisive plans to restrict fishing in 10% of Scotland’s seas. The environmental policy aimed to protect sea life under threat but was met with a huge backlash from concerned rural and coastal communities. In June, Ms Allan said HPMAs would no longer be implemented on schedule by 2026 as government ministers went back to the drawing board. It came weeks after leading figures from the country’s seafood sector held a major protest outside Holyrood. Now Ms McAllan has revealed the proposals will be ditched entirely following the angry responses from fishing industry leaders opposed to the scheme.  >>click to read<< 08:29

Galloway fishing representatives hope voices will be heard after meeting cabinet minister

Galloway fishing representatives have expressed hopes their voices will be heeded following round-table talks with Mairi McAllan in Kirkcudbright. The cabinet secretary met industry delegates in the wake of her decision to withdraw controversial proposals for highly protected marine areas (HPMAs). She toured West Coast Sea Products’ scallop factory ahead of the Johnston Centre summit. Ms McAllan told the News: “I was pleased to meet with representatives of the local fishing industry, businesses, community groups and others in Dumfries and Galloway this week to discuss how we can work together on marine conservation. >>click t0 read<< 10:03

Breaking news: Scottish Government backs down over HPMAs

Mairi McAllan, Scotland’s Net Zero Secretary, announced today that both the timetable – with implementation due to take place by 2026 – and scope, covering 10% of Scotland’s coastal waters, were no longer government policy. The Scottish Government had published a consultation document last December, setting out plans for Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) in which virtually no form of commercial activity – including all forms of fishing, aquaculture or offshore renewable energy installations – would be permitted. The proposals drew strong criticism from coastal communities, the fishing industry and the fish farming sector, and even from some Scottish National Party (SNP) members of the Scottish Parliament, including former Fisheries Minister Fergus Ewing. >click to read< 09:55

SNP MP urges locals to oppose marine protection plans

The proposals to restrict fishing and other human activities in some coastal areas are designed to protect wildlife and the environment. But fishing industry representatives, along with people in many communities in the Highlands and Islands, have raised concerns – as have several of the SNP’s own MSPs. Mr. O’Hara, an outspoken critic of his party’s plan to introduce HPMAs on the west coast, has urged his constituents to make their opinions known to the Scottish government by contacting his office directly to have their views collated and shared with Holyrood ministers. >click to read< 08:30