Tag Archives: Ministerial Advisory Panel

A LIFO Win for the Inshore Fleet! Maybe. Who wins when they redistribute the quota is the next question.

hi-shrimp-852The Ministerial Advisory Panel conducting an external review of the Last-In, First-Out policy (LIFO) released its recommendations yesterday. The Panel recommended abolishing LIFO and implementing permanent proportional sharing.The recommendation went on to advise LIFO be replaced with a proportional sharing approach. There, each quota holder receives a fixed percentage of the resource. For that, the panel has also advised the area fished by the inshore fleet, Shrimp Fishing Area 6 (SFA 6), use 1997 to 2009 as a reference period in establishing the new percentages, given the changes to quota shares forced by LIFO then to now. Shares should be based on total accumulated allocations over that period, for those still around in 2009, the report states. This will reveal the real winners. Two articles, click here, and click here  Read the Report of the Ministerial Advisory Panel click here 7.1 lists the “options” Read the Press Release from FFAW-Unifor click here 08:03