Tag Archives: Monica Medina

Biden’s lavish lobster dinner doesn’t change his hostility to seafood industry
Bob Vanasse, executive director of Saving Seafood, commended Golden for calling out Biden on the issue and said that his organization has had trouble meeting with the current administration. Vanasse said that it’s not just lobster, but other seafood industries like tuna and swordfish, are having issues meeting with the White House. “I applaud the congressman for calling out the administration’s hypocrisy when it comes to our domestic fisheries and their policies,” “This is not the first time that something like this has happened, but it is good to see, and particularly a Democrat pointing it out because this administration has frankly not been friendly or helpful to our domestic fishing industry,” >click to read< 20:02

Does Biden have an ocean policy? – Climate change and ocean industrialization!
Days after taking office the president signed an executive order to fully conserve 30 percent of the nation’s land and 30 percent of its waters by 2030. One of the world’s strongest supporters of 30×30 is special presidential Climate Envoy John Kerry. Biden also pledged the U.S. will generate 30 gigawatts of offshore wind by 2030.,,, To keep its quickly-evolving ocean strategy salty, the White House has put some top marine people in charge. They’ve brought in Jane Lubchenco, Climate Czar Gina McCathy, nominated NOAA Chief Scientist Rick Spinrad to lead NOAA, and Monica Medina as assistant secretary of State for Oceans, Environment and Science. >click to read< 10:49

Biden Signals Trouble for New Bedford Fishing Families, and Beyond!
Back in 2013, the New Bedford-based Standard-Times wrote about the problems for local fishermen based on a potential presidential appointment Steve Urbon spent his career as a reporter, editor, and columnist covering the city of New Bedford and its fishing-based economy for the local newspaper. When President Barack Obama was considering appointing Ron Klain as his Chief of Staff, the liberal journalist sounded the alarms. He explained to the local audience that Ron Klain’s wife, Monica Medina, was hostile to the local families and small businesses that earn a living from fishing the Atlantic. >click to read< 10:00
I thought we were safe at Fisherynation-Ebola Czar Wife Wants Travel Ban…For Fisherman
The wife of the ebola czar favors a travel ban for…. fisherman, Gotnews.com has learned. Monica Medina, wife of Ron Klain, is the other half of the DC power couple. Like her husband she’s long been involved in political issues and Democratic politics. She successfully worked to pressure the Obama administration to ban large parts of the ocean to commercial fishing. Obama announced a ban on commercial fishing within a 782,0000 square miles of U.S. territorial waters. Read the rest here
Obama will propose vast expansion of Pacific Ocean marine sanctuary
The announcement — details of which were provided to The Washington Post — is part of a broader push on maritime issues by an administration that has generally favored other environmental priorities. The oceans effort, led by Secretary of State John F. Kerry and White House counselor John D. Podesta, is likely to spark a new political battle with Republicans over the scope of Obama’s executive powers. More here 05:20
Steve Urbon: More trouble ahead at NOAA?
So, you ask: What does President Obama’s prospective chief of staff possibly have to do with New Bedford?
Answer: One of the two finalists is the spouse of the architect of the notorious catch shares in fisheries management at NOAA, Monica Medina.
And when I sought reaction, it was something between a laugh and a groan.
“What can I do other than laugh?” said seafood consultant Jim Kendall. Read more