Tag Archives: nitrogen pollution
Report: Septic systems big contributor to Great Bay pollution (Its more than a regional issue. It’s a national issue.)
PORTSMOUTH — Sources of nonpoint nitrogen pollution in the Great Bay estuary are spread out almost equally between septic systems, fertilizers and atmospheric pollution, according to a new report. continued View the full DES report and supporting documents here (note there are no Big Green partners on the website)
$75.6M wastewater treatment project moves forward in Portsmouth to meet the new nitrogen standard.
Councilors were unanimously in support of the move, which involves the city using a technology known as “biological aerated filter” to reach a total nitrogen limit of 8 milligrams per liter on a seasonal rolling average basis. continued
Cape Wastewater cleanup costs a problem
BUZZARDS BAY — The bottom line is often the line in the sand for taxpayers reluctant to pay for expensive projects to reduce the flow of nitrogen into Cape Cod’s bays and ponds. Really!! continued. But what about the affects of nitrogen and chemical solution pollution on the River Herring that are not thriving? It’s always “over fishing” but rarely habitat degradation. The wealthy that drive the Cape economy can certainly afford to address this nation wide issue in their seasonal play ground. How about suing them CLF?