Tag Archives: non-compliance

Omega Protein Disappointed by ASMFC Vote on Menhaden Fishery Non-Compliance

Omega Protein is disappointed in today’s vote by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) Menhaden Management Board to request Virginia’s menhaden fishery be found out of compliance for exceeding a cap on harvest in the Chesapeake Bay. “In the last decade, we have made a concerted effort to fish outside the Bay whenever weather conditions and the location of the fish have made that possible,” said Monty Deihl,>click to read<  18:34

Regulators say Virginia firm caught more menhaden in Bay than allowed. Feds will decide what happens.>click to read<  19:33

It’s not okay

As we get into the thick of tuna season right now, and plenty of “large-medium” and “giant” class bluefin tuna are being caught by anglers around Cape Cod, and “small mediums” as well as good-sized yellowfin in the New York Bite, I thought it more than appropriate to say this… It’s not okay…. It’s not okay for an angler to take his or her bluefin, or yellowfin, or bigeye or any fish for that matter and sell it to the local restaurant through the back door… for freak’n gas money. Unfortunately, this kinda thing happens pretty regularly up here. Don’t tell me that it doesn’t, because I hear the bragging frequently. And don’t tell me that it’s a victimless crime. The hard-working full-time commercial fishermen are the first to get screwed. But it’s the consumer as well,,, click here to read the story 10:34