Tag Archives: rescue of 14 trawlermen

Tributes to heroic ex-Grimsby skipper James ‘Jim’ Gamble following his death aged 97

Tributes have been paid to a heroic ex-Grimsby trawler skipper and tugmaster following his death at the age of 97. During his long career at sea, James “Jim” Gamble was awarded for outstanding seamanship demonstrated in the rescue of 14 trawlermen from a stricken Grimsby vessel off the coast of Iceland in 1955. Jim was the then 28-year-old skipper of another Grimsby vessel, the Viviana, when he fought a force 10 storm and mountainous seas to bring her alongside the drifting 380-ton Barry Castle so that crew members could jump aboard. The 455-ton Viviana rescued ten crew within seven minutes. Four men who fell between the two trawlers were picked up by other vessels and four other men who were down below, tragically perished as the Barry Castle sank on November 1, 1955. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 10:41