Tag Archives: Saltonstall-Kennedy Act

Dear Senator Warren
Dear Senator Warren , As a retired commercial fisherman, and your constituent, I am trying to help those fishermen that still exist. I want to out line our problems, as I see them. A. The science used by NOAA decides our future. Under the current law NOAA does not have to compare or look at other scientific data. They “own” the term “best available science” exclusively, excluding better data collected by non government entities, including collaborative science between industry and academia! This is wrong. This needs to be changed, and the only way is to have some wording in The Magnusson Act to that effect. By supporting HR-200, you can right this wrong. B. Saltonstall-Kennedy Act,,, >click to read<18:57
Senators and Congressmen – Problems that are facing the commercial fishermen today need your immediate attention
To whom it may Concern: I am retired fisherman out of Gloucester, MA. I would appreciate if our Senators, Congressmen and anyone in office would help us. I am listing some of the problems that are facing the commercial fishermen today and need your immediate attention and help. Most of these problems can only be resolved at the Federal Level. 1. The Magnusson Act needs to be updated. The wording needs to be changed so that the Courts and NOAA will have to consider and accept other scientific data.2. The Saltonstall Kennedy (SK) Act. Enacted in 1954.,,, click here to read the letter 10:11
“We just want the option of not going out of business,” – Gloucester has 7 bids in for Saltonstall-Kennedy Act grant program.
“We just want the option of not going out of business,” said Nazz Sanfilippo, captain and owner of the boat F/V Cat Eyes. Sanfilippo, along with Gloucester fishing boat owners Sam Novello, Tommy Testaverde and Joe Randazzo, helped initiate the proposal. Their proposal seeks about $200,000 for research into expanding the harvesting of whiting by opening a currently-closed portion of the fishery near Stellwagen Bank grounds. more@GDT 08:30
Gloucester Daily Times Editorial: Fishing aid package far short of even basic needs
But as Gloucester fishermen Joe DiMaio put it, “there is no time.” And when it comes to Gloucester and New England fishermen’s true needs, there remains no money either. So to hear Sen. Elizabeth Warren and others proclaiming this NOAA gesture “an excellent chance for our ports” is disappointing, to say the least. @GDT
Read the Senators letter at southcoasttoday.
NOAA’s spending on itself is under attack by Senator “Mo” Cowan! YOU GO MO!
WASHINGTON – The plight of New England’s groundfishing fleet was once again a topic on Capitol Hill on Tuesday as a Massachusetts senator questioned a federal official about how his agency is spending money that’s intended to help fishermen. But Sen. William “Mo” Cowan, D-Mass., pressed a top Department of Commerce official on the use of federal dollars by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Cowan said that, according to his calculations, just $8 million of the $113 million available in 2010 through the Saltonstall-Kennedy Act program went to fisheries. That decades-old program uses fees on imported fish to provide grants or development projects to benefit the U.S. fishing industry. continued