Tag Archives: shortnose sturgeon

Speedy surgery puts transmitters into Hudson River fish

The biologist wore an orange slicker rather than hospital scrubs, and his operating room was a small fishing boat in the middle of the Hudson River. But Wednesday’s operation was serious work as Burnett used a scalpel to make a 3-inch incision in the belly of a gasping shortnose sturgeon, inserted an electronic tracking device and quickly stitched up the wound. Read more here 11:33

This spring’s teachable moment – Karl Meyer ( this guy nails it!)

It’s a profoundly simple lesson, with ramifications that can be fully grasped in a week. I’m hoping teachers will put a living dinosaur of a fish in that salmon’s place — one still here, though teetering on the edge of extinction these 46 years: the federally endangered Connecticut River shortnose sturgeon. As teachable as T. rex, this marvelously adapted, 3- to 4-foot fish has survived for 100 million years. continued