Tag Archives: Taste-test

Taste-test unwraps flavor of shark fishery’s potential – Commercial Fisherman Dewey Hemilright was on hand

shark-1-1-330x236The third and final tasting event in the North Carolina Sea Grant Shark Sensory Evaluation has come and gone.,, Commercial Fisherman Dewey Hemilright was on hand to expand on Mirabilio’s presentation. Hemilright is an advocate for North Carolina commercial fishermen, a tireless educator and is active in Outer Banks Catch and the N. C. Coastal Federation and other related organizations. “These taste testing put on by Sea Grant, Sara and Cafe Lachine are most important in the future success in bringing cape shark to the consumer plates here in the U.S.,” said Hemilright. “Sara did an awesome job presenting. She gets it! This fishery is sustainable and is not overfished.” Read the rest here 09:23