Tag Archives: WILD ALASKAN

Darren Byler of Kodiak Alaska has been fighting the local Coast Guard Station for almost a decade now for what Byler calls a “Politically Motivated Fraud Filled Phony Poopy Conviction that the United States Government has now spent approximately 1.3 million Dollars to date investigating, prosecuting and defending against Byler’s civil claims. Byler filed a 10 million dollar civil lawsuit against the United States Coast Guard approximately two years ago and is still fighting the government for the opportunity to have a civil trial. The Wild Alaskan Story has now caught the attention of internationally acclaimed Producer and Cinematographer Doug Stanley founding Producer and Director of Photography of Discovery Channel’s hit series “Deadliest Catch”. Video, photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:21

Sinking of the Wild Alaskan – Document Dump #46
Sinking of the Wild Alaskan – Document Dump #42
Document Dump #42 – In this Document Dump, I am releasing to the Public clear, convincing and undeniable evidence that certain Alaska State Troopers and Kodiak Chief of Police, Tim Putney are actively trying to cover-up one of Alaska’s biggest felony theft and destruction of property crimes in the history of this great state. I am a full supporter of Law Enforcement, just not the corrupt ones. As I have stated before, the actions of the Alaska State Troopers and the Alaska Bureau of Investigations have now morphed into a “HUB AND SPOKED WHEEL” RICO CONSPIRACY to cover-up a major crime which these people have no immunity from. There is no other way to explain it. Photos, >>click to read Document Dump #42<<. and more. 18:28

Sinking of the Wild Alaskan – Document Dump #35
It is almost comical to think that the Kodiak Daily Mirror suppressed this story for over 4 months when my lawsuit was originally filed and now that a Federal Judge has dismissed portions of my lawsuit against Federal Agents with prejudice; the Kodiak Daily Mirror which has now proven themselves to be an ankle biting lap dog of the City and the Feds rushes to print this story in yet another front-page, one-sided news article. The Kodiak Daily Mirror also wrote in the article, “Neither Byler nor U.S. Attorney Glenn James Shidner was available for comment at press time Monday.” This statement to all of our local readers in Kodiak was 100% total B.S. I was never contacted by phone, email, text message, nor on my Facebook page that now has more readers than the Kodiak Daily Mirror. Can any of you that have been following this story possibly imagine that I would not have a comment on this issue. I am going to have to give this flat out, false statement, 4 Pinocchio’s and the Publisher Kevin Bumgarner has just earned himself another photo with his clown hat at the ‘Sinking of the Wild Alaskan’ Facebook page. >click to read< 13:48

Darren Byler files Two Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuits Against the Coast Guard and the City of Kodiak for the Illegal Sinking of the M/V Wild Alaskan
The 110’ F/V Shaman a Bering Sea Legend was just recently, intentionally sunk by the City of Kodiak, Alaska. The vessel was purchased in 2006 by Darren and Kimberly Byler from then owner, Dan Mattsen. The Byler’s took possession of the vessel at Fisherman’s Terminal in Seattle, Washington and relocated the vessel to Alaska. The Byler’s modified and remodeled the vessel for the Research, Exploration and Long-Range Charter Industry. From 2007-2014 Darren and Kimberly Byler were at the top of their game with this boat and renamed the vessel “Alaskan Leader”. In 2014, Darren Byler stated that his charter business bookings were down as was the economy, at that point Byler came up with an edgy idea to rename the vessel “Wild Alaskan” and provide an Adult Entertainment Charter with Topless Dancers to the local Kodiak Fishing and Coast Guard Population. >click to read< 17:44

Before she was Wild Alaskan, she was the F/V Shaman – and she ruled the King Crab fishery
Long before strippers gyrated for fishermen who boarded the Wild Alaskan for a night of fun, she was known as the F/V Shaman, one of the most profitable boats to ever throw pots in Alaskan waters. She had a million-dollar price tag when she was built in Tacoma in 1974, 110 feet long with a high wheelhouse. Made to shrimp and crab. And boy did the Shaman crab. Tom Hendel and his brother worked on the crew back in the late 70’s, when the Shaman was in its glory days. Back then, as Kodiak fishermen are fond of saying, “Crab was king.” And it was. Some made millions in the Bering Sea. But other mariners were not so lucky. “I gotta tell you, guys were dying every day it seemed like, back in the 70s and 80s. >click to read< 22:41 >Click for Wild Alaskan posts back to July 5, 2014<

Strip club onboard Alaskan fishing boat making comeback
An Alaska man is resurrecting a strip club he operated on board his converted crab boat before he was convicted on waste disposal charges involving the vessel. This time, he’s billing the enterprise as a nightly protest. Darren Byler says he will begin his summer-long “First Amendment Freedom of Assembly” demonstrations Thursday on the 94-foot Wild Alaskan. He says the demonstrations will feature exotic dancers on board the boat, anchored off a harbor near the island city of Kodiak. Byler has long alleged he was hit with the federal “poop” charges because authorities and others disapproved of the exotic-dancer business he ran in 2014. He is appealing his federal case. “I’m protesting the fact that I was singled out and targeted for morality,” he said. “I don’t like being bullied by the government, and I’m doing this because I can. This is my way of winning.” Click here to read the story 08:53
“Wild Alaskan” owner gets probation in waste dumping case
An Alaska man convicted of illegally dumping human waste into a harbour from a floating strip club he was operating has been spared serving prison time. Darren Byler instead was sentenced in Anchorage Monday to five years of probation and ordered to pay a $10,000 fine, in increments of no less than $2,000 a year, beginning this year. U.S. District Judge Sharon Gleason warned Byler that failure to pay the fine could result in him going to prison. Federal prosecutors were seeking an 18-month prison term. Byler, who plans to appeal the case, has repeatedly said he was targeted because of disapproval over the business he ran on the 94-foot “Wild Alaskan,” a converted crabbing boat. Speaking to the court before his sentence was handed up, he said the prison term sought by prosecutors was overkill. He repeatedly called it a “poop charge.” “This case was all about an emotionally charged political witch hunt” by various entities, including the Coast Guard and the prosecution, he said in a written statement released after the sentencing. Read the story here 12:30

Sentencing reset for “Wild Alaskan” owner
A sentencing hearing has been rescheduled in the case of an Alaska man who was found guilty of illegally dumping human waste into a harbor while operating a crabbing boat that had been converted into a floating strip club. Darren Byler had been scheduled for a Thursday sentencing. But his attorney, John Cashion, says Byler’s flight from Kodiak Island was delayed and the sentencing is now set for 3:30 p.m. Friday. Federal prosecutors are recommending that Byler be sentenced to 18 months imprisonment. Prosecutors say Byler piped raw sewage from bathrooms aboard the 94-foot “Wild Alaskan” into the harbor near Kodiak in 2014 instead of taking it 3 miles offshore. The Bylers were accused of telling the Coast Guard they were properly disposing of the waste. click to read the rest 16:54
Wild Alaskan Owner Responds to Federal Indictment
Darren and Kimberly Byler were charged with violating the Refuse Act for allegedly pumping their toilet water into the channel and for making false statements about it to the Coast Guard. “When I think I’ve seen it all, it just keeps getting better, with the government scrutiny since we opened up. The Coast Guard has laid down the hammer so to speak, with all the funds, the power, the money. And we’re guilty of nothing. They indicted us on charges they can’t prove. Before people rush to judgment, we’ll have our day in court.” Read the rest here 17:19
An evening aboard the “Wild Alaskan,” a Bering Sea crab boat turned strip club
With Monday’s news that state regulators had revoked the liquor license of the Wild Alaskan in Kodiak, most people will likely never be able to answer the following question: Just what, exactly, is a floating strip club like? But after a trip to Kodiak to cover a U.S. Senate candidate debate in early October, I happen to be uniquely positioned to shed a little light into the dark corners of the 120-foot converted Bering Sea crabbing boat. Read the rest here 20:26
‘Stripper boat’ Wild Alaskan finds success in Kodiak – Video
It’s been quite a ride for the , a crab boat turned strip club, since it opened in July. “Business has been wildly successful,” said owner Darren Byler. “We, of course, are in a big fishing port, we cater to a variety of commercial fishermen.” The Wild Alaskan is the first of its kind in Kodiak. “It’s nice to say I come to work on a $3.5-million yacht,” said exotic dancer Destiny Pitman. Read the rest here 11:59
Wa wa wa WILD ALASKAN Floating strip club navigates regulatory trouble
Alaska – A new attraction on Alaska’s Kodiak Island features exotic dancers who entertain fishermen on a converted Bering Sea crabbing boat dubbed the “Wild Alaskan” — and it’s already encountered choppy regulatory seas. Read more here 02:06