Tag Archives: working at sea

What is the payment for a life of sacrifice? Working at sea is not as profitable as before

In the instability of the ship, he sinks into longing. In the one that evokes family, friends… Maybe he won’t get back in time to see the birth of his son, or the wedding of his sister, who before leaving to the tide already had promised. The work to be done on board brings his thoughts back to the reality of the ship at a stroke. But only temporarily. Insomnia in his break time, caused by the need to be alert at all times, will bring those ideas back to his head, just thinking about being able to catch a good catch to bring his family as much money as possible, and that his sacrifice has meaning. >click to read< 09:20

With seven decades of working at sea under his belt, Rolly Rollisson has “done every job in fishing that you can mention”

The port’s oldest fisherman, and former chairman of Bridlington and Flamborough Fishermen’s Society has seen the harbour adapt from the days when cod and haddock was King, to today when shellfishing reigns supreme. When Mr Rollisson, 91, started out there was little in the way of navigational aids – now as son Rolo, 58, puts it “you can now see the seabed in 3D, every nook and cranny.,, “We had four seasons, end of September to March for cod and haddock with long lines. “There was crab and lobster fishing with lobster pots until July and August, then we used to go herring fishing from August 10 to the end of October, then back to line-fishing.” >click to read< 08:00