Here is another nail in our Commercial Fishing coffin. Offshore wind farms.
Our fisherman are having enough problems as it is, starting with NOAA, Monument area’s, Monitoring, SK Grant money not going to our fishermen, closed fishing grounds to save the whales, and politicians that are ignoring the issues of the fishermen, all of the fishermen, including the boots on deck fisherman that earns only a share for his skills, loyalty, and labor.
The proposed Vineyard Wind area off of Cape Cod is about 18,000 acres of rich fishing grounds.
Fishermen from Maine to Rhode Island fish on those grounds.
Millions of dollars will be lost, while fishermen will become displaced, as the European offshore wind farms, and cable infrastructure overtakes these fertile fishing grounds, forever altered, and for what?!!
To save money on my Mass residents electric bill?
After doing some research, I found out the homeowner will only save $40.00 per month.
That is a drop in the bucket compared to millions of dollars worth of fish we will not be able to land.
The President and Governor Baker are for it, but it still needs to go to Congress.
Call your Senator’s Warren, and Markey, and call Congressmen Moulton and Keating and ask for their support to stop this project.
Together we could stop this.
Thank You, Sam Parisi
Gloucester, Mass.