“To Kill a Lobsterman”: How to kill a species with Fake News from Nat Geo of all places!
Most likely Carnival Cruise Lines is responsible for 18+ Right Whale deaths in the past 3 year, at which rate they would soon be extinct. >click to read<
By Jim O’Connell
“Fishing without vertical lines is going to save the species” “A recent study attributes nearly 60% of diagnosed North Atlantic Right Whale (NARW) deaths over a 15 year period to entanglement” The second statement 60% is pathetic! It may be 80% ships 20% entanglements over a 15-year period.
This blame game is out of hand when in fact the NARW which are not reproducing have in the last 5 years have found copious copepods in the South West Gulf of Saint Lawrence (GSL) underneath a dedicated cruise ship corridor which feeds fecal matter nutrients to the little crustaceans, nutrient rich black water discharged at a constant rate of nearly 50 gallons a minute while 12 miles offshore. Copepods eat fecal matter. It’s their favorite food. Whales eat copepods it’s their favorite food. Cruise ships run down Right Whales at night when they are likely sleeping near the surface as they must breath air. apparently Carnival Corp favors killing whales than spending 15,000 extra bucks to reroute around that isolated area where there is a good plankton bloom year to year. The reason I hold them responsible is they took out 3 in 2015 up to 10 whales in 2017 and yet they still sailed through that same area in 2019 and took out 6 or 7 more.
If this International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) thinks 1|4 whale per year from lobster fishing over 22 years is wiping out the species then they will be culpable in misdirecting the effort to stop the cruise ship industry from taking out 6 whales per year in the GSL. It looks to me like IFAW could care less about saving a species and more about selling a totally unnecessary and impractical ropeless lobster trap. Ignorance is bliss. If they succeed in diverting attention from the real problem they should be sued for causing the avoidable deaths in the SW Gulf of St Lawrence.
7 dead ship strikes were found in the wake of the Zaandam between May first and the end of July last year. The Zaandam begins to once again on 4/29 “accept the guilt for the necessary murder of the Right whale to sell tee shirts on PEI.
Connect the dots. CLIA, Cruise Lines International Associates, Disney Cruise Line, Disney Corporation owns Disney Cruise lines and National Geographic. Disney Cruise is probably well connected under the CLIA umbrella where all cruise lines collaborate.
In October 2019 after it looks like Carnival has killed up to 7 or 8 more whales National Geographic launches 2 page well done shock art of a whales entanglement dance of death, with a trawl of lobster traps, done in collaboration with the IFAW International Fund for Animal Welfare artists. They should be drawing a new cruise ship route around the feeding area in the Gulf of St Lawrence, before May 1st. Pew trust, totally misdirected, is funding rope less lobster traps, that are impractical and will only save ¼ whale per year killed by the lobster industry, Pew Charitable Trust’s partners , CLF Conservation Law Foundation and Earth Justice filed suit 2/8/2018 against NOAA to take action against the fishing industry meanwhile one Cruise ship takes out 7 more whales in the Gulf of St Lawrence the following year, 2019. CLIA then launches new 2 page ad pictured below in latest 2/20 Geographic showing a Holland American Carnival Corporation ship whale watching in Alaska, The very cruise line who is most likely responsible for 18 Right Whale deaths in the past 5 years in the Gulf of St Lawrence.
The outright hypocrisy is criminal. It’s a total denial for what they are getting away with under the wandering eye of economic Canadian “priorities”. CLIA, the dirtiest most non-transparent tourist industry in the world fights back with it’s most powerful tool, its advertising campaigne. The Pew Charitable Trust kills off the whole Right Whale species throwing a red herring at the public by blaming the lobstermen while Canada under the illusion of millions pouring into PEI: Ay it’s just another dead squirrel beside the road. The Zaandam makes 13 passes through there starting April 1st 2020. A little bump in the night and a 50 ton animal is dead. Enjoy your cruise.
There have been no Maine Lobster Industry caused Right Whale deaths since 2002 according to this NOAA Document. 5 in all of New England since 2000. That is ¼ whale per year. Well within the tolerable zone.
Why isn’t NOAA sharing this data in support of the lobster industry?!!
In reaction to a birthrate plummeting to 0, and a few shocking photos of trussed up whales Earthjustice sued NOAA to tighten the reigns on the lobster industry. All you had to do is follow the numbers north and the answer becomes obvious. 18 possible Carnival cruise ship strikes by several of it’s ships over a 3 year period. It looks to me like someone has to call for an emergency Cruise Ship Course change before 4/29/20.
When they took out 7 last year. The lobsterman took ¼. That is a 28 to 1 vote to get rid of cruise ships.
It looks like Earthjustice is the harm we can avoid and we shouldn’t tolerate that chain of thinking. Emotional money dictating science. Back off!
You are defaming the lobster industry. Thousands of tightly bound community members, whom are the true stewards of their sea.
Recent record catches proves they are the best conservation minded people around. They are not responsible in this. Their effect is tolerable. Yet now they have been given a black eye. The blame looks like it is on Carnival Corporation for its negligence. And Boston for allowing such poisonous air pollution industry that makes it’s money trampling mother nature to berth right down town violating its 5 minute idling code around the clock to the tune of 10,000 idling semi trucks emitting one gallon of 15 ppm diesel per hour.
I bet there is more asthma attacks there as it only takes .02 ppm to kick off an attack. I read the fine is $500. for repeaters. So if the Zaandam is berthed at the Black Raven idling away it is burning at least 100 gallons or more of, at the minimum 600ppm per hour to power it’s huge hotel. 600 has 40 times the sulfur as the 15ppm semi truck. So if your getting fined each time you idle 15ppm for 5 minutes @$500. Then the Zaandam should be paying 240 Million dollars for 10 hours . That marine diesel they burn is classified as a Group1 carcinogen. Not what you should burning right in town.
So, do you want to crush the only thriving conservation minded fishery out there, worth well over $100 Million, and watch mother nature get trampled into extinction to make a buck? Of course not! Kick the cruise ships out of this country.
By Jim O’Connell
Great article !!! Thanks for standing up for the TRUTH!!!