Gulf Oystermen are Struggling.
The recent heavy rains are to blame for the DMR closing the Pass Christian oyster reefs Tuesday afternoon. more@wlox,com
It’s 98 percent off this year. That’s the lowest I’ve ever seen it,” said George Barisich, president of the United Commercial Fisherman’s Association. Barisich believes seeing lingering effects of the BP oil disaster are impacting oyster landings. He said dispersed oil made it impossible for spat to catch on reefs, so few new oysters could grow.
Oystermen say crop in short supply ahead of Thanksgiving – In just a few days, shoppers will head to stores to buy oysters to make dressing for Thanksgiving. But some local oystermen say they’re struggling to find enough crop and they only foresee the problem getting worse. more@fox8live 08:14
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