Funeral procession for fisherman Gus “Scotch Gus” Graham to pass his regular pubs along Freeman Street Grimsby to honour much-loved town character

Mourners have been urged to line Grimsby streets to say farewell to one of the town’s best-known fishermen. The funeral cortege carrying Angus “Scotch Gus” Graham will leave his home at Banbury Court on Victor Street and travel along Freeman Street where he was known as a regular at most of the pubs. Sadly Gus sadly died aged 68 years. Daughter Claire said he was “a big friendly giant” and will be missed by his family and his many friends. She told how he moved to Grimsby from his native Campeltown on Argyll and Bute when he was just 17 years. He had learned fishing working with his uncles from the age of 14 years. His first job was with Dury Brothers on Grimsby docks. >click to read< 15:57
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