Mississippi Commission on Marine Resources talk Bonnet Carré Spillway, CARES Act funding
Many fishermen got some help from that $1.5 million of CARES Act money that was granted to the state of Mississippi, with most of that going to the seafood industry. $734,222 of that money went to local commercial fishermen, $451,284 went to seafood dealers and processors, and $239,179 of it went to the charter boat fleet.,, At Tuesday’s Commission on Marine Resources meeting, Joe Spraggins, Department of Marine Resources executive director, explained the process of how $21 million in Bonnet Carré Spillway relief funding will get to those in the industry. >click to read< 18:25
Coming from a state that consistently delays payment of cares act money,I was wondering if its normal for the state to charge a processing fee(directly off the top), from the fishing community..To me this seems like it would be stealing from the industry. The people administering the moneys work from home and have not missed a paycheck during the whole pandemic..
Input from other states who have received the monies would be greatly appreciated ..