Daily Archives: February 8, 2014

Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission approves Maine’s elver plan

BDNELLSWORTH, Maine — The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has agreed to allow Maine to restrict its annual elver harvest with a statewide quota, rather than by a cap on the number of licenses that can be issued throughout the state. Read more@BDN  19:46

Oral argument scheduled for observer lawsuit

Oral argument in the lawsuit over the federal observer program is scheduled for April. Judge H. Russel Holland will hear from The Boat Company, the Fixed Gear Alliance and the federal government regarding the marine observer program instituted last year. Read more@alaskajournal  19:31

Oyster lease bid plan unpopular with Louisiana’s oyster industry

A draft of proposed legislation to lift the moratorium on new oyster leases in Louisiana doesn’t even have a sponsor yet, but two provisions in it are raising the ire of the oyster industry. One provision would require bidding for new leases instead of the current process of leasing these state-owned water bottoms for $2 an acre per year for 15 years. The provision would apply only to new leases, not to renewals. Read [email protected]  17:59

Alaska Board of Fisheries: Mat-Su Borough Appeals for More Attention to Susitna Salmon

The Alaska Board of Fisheries is in the midst of two weeks of meetings on potential changes to fishing regulations in the Upper Cook Inlet.  The meetings have become the most recent venue for what are often referred to as the “fish wars.”  Commercial, sport, and subsistence fishermen,, Read [email protected]  11:35

HONOLULU: Federal and State governments fishing for compromise on shark fin laws – At the bottom of all of this is greed!

Hawaii law bans possession, sale, distribution or trade of any shark fin. However federal law allows legal fisherman to land shark fins as long as they are still attached to the body. “I’m hopeful Hawaii will prevail. At the bottom of all of this is greed. There is really nothing more. It certainly isn’t a sustainable planet and I would challenge anybody to suggest that preempting Hawaii law is to make a healthier planet because it’s simply not true,” said Sen. Hee. Read more@hawaiinewsnow  08:46

Magnuson-Stevens Act Reauthorization: NPFMC Council discusses changes

The North Pacific Fishery Management Council heard a brief update on the Magnuson-Stevens Act reauthorization this morning.(02/05/2014), A council representative will be expected to provide about five minutes of testimony, and longer written comments, during a U.S. Senate subcommittee hearing Feb. 27. NPFMC Executive Director Chris Oliver talked about the House Natural Resources Committee draft of the MSA during his report to the council Read more@alaskajournal  08:25

NPFMC talks crab, halibut bycatch

SEATTLE — The North Pacific Fishery Management Council spent much of the day talking about Bering Sea bycatch, and agreed to move forward on one related discussion paper…The council also heard extensive public testimony on halibut bycatch in that same region this afternoon. Action is expected on that issue Saturday morning, with the advisory panel recommending another draft of the halibut bycatch discussion paper. Read more from Molly Dischner @alaskajournal.com     The meeting will be broadcast LIVE at npfmc.webex.com.  08:16


“Our residents are in for a rude awakening when they see CVRF’s 2014 halibut quota limit,” said CVRF Board Member Robert Pitka Sr. of Toksook Bay. “Our area has been overlooked for ages and halibut fishing has been abundant. We believe that there is enough halibut in our area to support an increase in quota, certainly not this massive reduction.” Read [email protected]  07:59