Tag Archives: 00 metres long

Very few sockeye have passed Chilcotin River landslide area: DFO

While sockeye salmon have been able to migrate past obstructions from the Chilcotin River landslide, the run is projected to be far lower than average. At the end of July, a landslide across the Chilcotin River at Farwell Canyon, about 285 kilometres north of Vancouver, blocked the flow of water. More than a week later, built-up debris and a pulse of water surged over the slide and down the Chilcotin and Fraser rivers. Now, a fraction of the average sockeye run has been observed past the slide area. A report from the Pacific Salmon Commission says higher-than-average temperatures and obstructions from the slide are hindering salmon migration up the Fraser and Chilcotin rivers. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 15:11