Tag Archives: ‘Charleston Fishing Families’
Non-profit helps scores of commercial fishermen with free fishing licenses
It’s not uncommon for a delayed start to Dungeness crab season along Oregon, in fact, many fishermen try to plan ahead for it. This year is the second in a row for commercial crabbers with the start on December 16 rather than December 1 due to low meat yields. Even with some fishermen able to secure other work, there remain those who need help making ends meet as they await the season open. Non-profit Charleston Fishing Families formed in 2016 with one of their goals being to help those fishermen. “During this time, money’s already tight. It’s holiday season. Often there’s a delay in the season, and so this was one way where we could directly help and impact the fishermen and just offset a little bit of costs. It may not be a lot, but it does help,” said Jackie Chambers, president of CFF. “This year, we had a record number of 73 in the span of five hours.” >>click to read<< 17:05
Fishermen first aid and safety training coming to Charleston
Commercial fishing is a dangerous and challenging occupation. Everyone wants to be safe, but the risk of injury is always there. With this in mind, a team from Oregon State University and Oregon Sea Grant developed Fishermen First Aid and Safety Training, designed around the principles of wilderness first aid to better enable fishermen to prevent and treat injuries they are likely to encounter at sea. This year OSU is partnering with the Charleston Fishing Families to host FFAST August 29 and 30 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at their office near the Charleston Marina. >click to read, with additional links< 14:33
Charleston Fishing Families looks to help prepare for Christmas during tough crabbing year
The Charleston crabbing community in Coos Bay is hit hard yet again, not only with COVID, but with another delay to the start of the season this year. Crab season is delayed to December 16th and there is always the possibility of that changing. That’s why the Charleston Fishing Families organization is stepping up to help their community during the holiday season. “We’re going to provide the Christmas breakfast, dinner, and toys for the kids this year,”,,, The nonprofit is accepting applications for this holiday program. They are looking to help 25 commercial fishing families, and families associated with the industry, like dock workers,, >video, click to read< 17:41
Charleston Fishing Families launches fund to assist families of fishermen in need
Over the weekend, Charleston Fishing Families held a ceremony to launch their Fishermen’s Relief Fund and to present their group as an official nonprofit organization. Charleston Fishing Families says, up until a year ago, there was no relief fund for fishermen and their families when a financial emergency struck. Now members of the community can donate to the fund by buying a crab pot tag and attaching it to a net at Englund Marine. The new fishing net, along with $10,000, was awarded to Charleston Fishing Families by the Bering Sea Fisherman’s Tour. It was delivered to Charleston by a man from an Alaskan fishing crew named Terry Barkley, the brother of Jerry Barkley, the captain lost on the Patty AJ last March. Video, Read the rest of the story here 08:25
‘Charleston Fishing Families’ raising funds, donations for families of lost crab fishermen
The Eagle III sank miles away from its home port in Port Orford but that hasn’t stopped people in the bay area from stepping up to support the families of those who were on board, show the fishing community is truly ‘coast-wide.’ The group is putting on a rummage sale, bake sale and silent auction fundraiser at the Coquille Tribal Community Center this weekend. They say, in a matter of days, hundreds of dollars’ worth of items were donated. “We thought this was going to be a little tiny yard sale and we were going to raise a couple hundred dollars and call it good,” Clemens explains, “and it just ballooned into something so miraculous and amazing.” Video, read the rest here 10:58