Tag Archives: CLF

Federal Fishing Expansion Could Endanger Right Whales

Trump regulators opened about 3,100 square miles of ocean to fishing for scallops and fish that live near the bottom of the ocean such as halibut and flounder that had been closed for more than two decades, including a section of Georges Bank off Cape Cod, Mass., and part of the ocean near southern New England.,, A scallop fishing industry group, Fisheries Survival Fund, said no scallop vessel has ever had an interaction with a right whale. >click to read< 11:29

Atlantic Herring: Fishermen face another quota cut, could hit lobster prices

Regulators on the East Coast are contending with a drop in the population of herring, a key forage fish species that has been used as lobster bait for generations.,, A fishery management board is due to make a decision about the 2020 catch limits in early June.,, “I’ve heard from other fishermen up and down the coast, from Maine to Massachusetts. It’s going to be survival of the fittest,” Casoni said. “Every year is challenging, and every year just gets a little more.” >click to read<11:16

Why is it wrong for the fishermen to bring a lawsuit but is alright for Mr. Shelly’s CLF to profit from lawsuits?

CLF’s Peter Shelley at Talking Fish wrote: Blowing Up the New England Fishery Management Council. He won’t post the rebuttal comments but we will!

Comment on Talking Fish that doesn’t seem to be accepted. Mr. Shelly and CLF make a living from suing NOAA and fishing for dollars. For that they get nonprofit tax status. So the taxpayers pay twice 1) for nonprofit status and 2) because they file so many lawsuits they win by default (a scam all NGOs have perfected). Unlike fishermen who do pay taxes and support local economies. Contrary to Mr. Shelly’s claim the majority of people on the councils are not fishermen, and one of the so called fishermen that is on the council is a paid spokesman for the ENGOs (John Pappalardo).

This lawsuit is about fishermen having to pay 2-10 percent of their gross income to pay for monitors. What other industry pays to be monitored and at these percentages, the farmers don’t, the beef industry doesn’t, the pharmaceutical companies don’t, the oil companies don’t. Imagine the  outcry if Exxon Mobil had to pay 2 percent of their gross income on top of other taxes.
Why is it wrong for the fishermen to bring a lawsuit but is alright for Mr. Shelly’s CLF to profit from lawsuits?
Maybe it is time that we look at the NONPROFIT status of all these groups.
We couldn’t agree more. 15:59

Fishtown Local: Something smells fishy

wolf-in-sheeps-clothing-scaled500-e1371562470325Okay, here we go again. Another behind-the-scenes effort has begun behind our backs, the way it happened before. The newest NOAA effort has begun toward creating a marine national monument in the Cashes Ledge area — about 80 miles east of Gloucester — as well as the deep sea coral and seamount area south of Georges Bank, traditional catch areas for our fishermen. Meanwhile, concerned by what it regards as a lack of transparency and undue influence from conservationists,,, Read the rest here 08:03

CLF chimes in on Disaster Relief Funding

kevinhearnFisheries Disaster Money Shows, but Where Should it Flow? – Here are some possible opportunities to get the best use out of New England’s disaster assistance: Read more here 12:02

The Myopic Ramblings of Talking Fish. ENGO Year in Review – 2013

duncey peteAs 2013 draws to a close, let’s take a look back at some of the ups and downs of fisheries management featured on Talking Fish this year. Read [email protected] 12:15

Opinion: NMFS Rule Recognizes that Fish Need Habitat, and if they don’t we’ll sue the sh!t out of ’em!

duncey peteToday, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) issued the final regulation regarding commercial fishing access to the longstanding protected habitat areas in the Gulf of Maine, southern New England, and Georges Bank. In May of this year, Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) sued NMFS over a related proposal to allow new fishing in over 5000 square miles of protected ocean habitat areas in New England. CLF brought the lawsuit due to a strong concern  more@talkingfish  17:23

Climate change changing Gulf of Maine fisheries

 The cod fishery appeared limitless and its value to Europe helped settle and enrich New England and Eastern Canada. Now the much smaller cod that survive are embattled by years of overfishing and other pressures. One of the major pressures is climate change. more@gomtimes  09:53  Plenty of ENGO anecdotes, and climate denialism! “Climate, while important, was not the primary reason for the collapse of cod,” “We did that. We mismanaged our ecosystem. We made that mess.” Tom Dempsey

There is not a cod collapse. There IS a cod exodus. Canada is being enriched once again, and they look at it as a cod crisis threatening the shrimp and crab they prefer to catch, based on landing value, as flat earthers like Dempsey, Bullard, and Crockett expose themselves as out of touch, preferring to continue the charade of failed fishery management that they are involved with! Tragic.

Fisherman Survival, Perverted ENGO Logic, and another NOAA/NMFS Fumble. Plan to reopen New England fishing spots debated

BOSTON (AP) – A plan to allow certain New England fishermen back into fishing  grounds where they’ve long been banned was so objectionable to environmentalists  that two groups sued to kill it months before it was officially released. And after the proposal was unveiled last week, fishermen who once backed the  idea called the plan a useless gesture that does nothing for their struggling  industry. None of the criticism surprises the Northeast’s top fishing regulator, John  Bullard. But he says it doesn’t mean the proposal to reopen 3,000 square miles  of Atlantic Ocean can’t work. “We recognize it’s probably not going to make anyone happy,” Bullard said. But,  he added, “We think it’s a responsible way to make abundant stocks accessible to  people.” continued@myfoxboston

Fisherynation.com Editorial: The Great Atlantic Sturgeon Debacle

0001This Sturgeon debacle should serve as a pretty clear indication of how our fisheries “management” system works, or more to the point, how it doesn’t work.
How, by any stretch of regulation protocol, methodology, or just plain ol’ administrative integrity, can NOAA declare a species to be endangered without an assessment?  Perhaps NOAA’s luminous legal department, Lois Schiffer, could give us the “legal” justification,,,continued

Letter: Federal fishing actions an outrage to all, not just the fisherman – Sam Frontiero, Gloucester

Listening to Peter Shelley of the Conservation Law Foundation in a recently recorded interview shows the mentality of conservationists and rule makers within our federal government. He states he can understand why fisherman get mad sometimes. He essentially said that, yes, policies make fishermen lose their jobs _ but who cares as long as I still have my paycheck. Everyone should be outraged, not just the fisherman. Read more07:14


December 14, 2012 — The Providence Journal’s “PolitiFact” unit investigated claims made by Pew Environment Group in advertisements they ran in several newspapers asking east coast governors to support their demand for a 50% cut in the menhaden harvest. Pew justified this demand saying “… in recent years, menhaden numbers along our coast have plummeted by 90 percent.”  The newspaper found the claim to be “Mostly False”. The Providence Journal
Lenfest is a Marketing/PR/Lobbying arm of Pew Charitable Trusts, Pew Environmental Group.  Pew Trust is oil money, ($5.5 billion that they’ll admit to).  It’s run by the grandchildren of Joseph N. Pew founder of Sun Oil or SUNOCO. Pew, EDF, CLF, are 501 C (3)’s that essentially shelter oil money which funds all the faux Environmental NGOs that then do the oil/gas…..Read More

Meet John Kassel CLF President / Cape Wind Shill / Advocate of Ocean Destruction, and a crappy blogger, too.

What could be said about Cape Wind?! That depends on your own point of view. Some opinions are based on rhetorical ideology.


Cold hard facts.

If you are the President of Conservation Law Foundation, rhetorical notions are sufficient.

So much so, that Offshore Wind Advocate John Kassel President, CLF, has been on a advocacy campaign of ocean destruction to decimate what he claims to love.

These values are often associated with places: when we think of America, we think of the icons of America. Yellowstone. Zion. And New England’s very own Acadia National Park. As Americans, preserving these natural treasures is among our proudest accomplishments. Our oceans should be no different. Here, in the Gulf of Maine, we have George’s Bank, Stellwagen Bank, and Cashes Ledge – a spectacular undersea mountain range – where you find steep canyons, deep kelp forests, and vibrant, charismatic marine life. Their beauty and majesty are breathtaking.

The places he describes are the very places we harvest our seafood from. Natures infinite food producing ocean bottom.

All Natural. No Preservatives. With care, a never ending, virtually endless supply of fish and shell fish.


CLF – Why We Need to Fight for Cape Wind. Now. The Koch Brothers! The Koch Brothers! It’s always the fracking Koch Brothers. Dry up, you Ninnys

11 years. That’s how long we’ve been waiting for the promise of Cape Wind: clean, renewable energy; new, green jobs; reduced air emissions and carbon pollution; energy at a predictable price over the long-term; and energy security. At a time when the evidence of global warming is overwhelming, and the need for jobs critical, unleashing the potential of this home-grown offshore wind project can only be a good thing.

bore head

October 3, 2012 at 2:47 pm

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This editorial is not accurate. This project is environmentally irresponsible. How any environmentalist can ignore the damage to the eco system that they crucify fishermen over, is obscene. To ignore the assult of the ocean bottom that will be supported with your short sighted position is revealing. 80% approve? Hogwash. This is an ocean destroying industrial complex.

Lets see if they post it.


This NOPC corporate shill is using the old eco-champion marketing strategy – and its working! Still!

This NOPC corporate shill is using the old eco-champion marketing strategy in order to privatize and industrialize the public trust ocean.

NOPC, BOEM, NWF, are immorally using the ploy of promising much needed clean energy to allay global warming,

while actually doing the bidding of an historically corrupt wind (and ultimately oil) industry.

Notice especially in the forwarded NOPC email flyer below the section entitled: ENGO Report Includes National Ocean Policy-Related Recommendation
