Tag Archives: published on Monday the opening of the investigation which left nine deceased

Argos Helena Crew Hold Memorial at Sinking Site of Argos Georgia

On Friday, 02 August, the vessel Argos Helena paid a poignant visit to the site where the Argos Georgia tragically sank on Monday, 22 July 2024. The sombre occasion saw Captain Leif Petter Hoddevik lay flowers on the sea in a heartfelt tribute to those who perished and those still missing from the ill-fated Argos Georgia. “A last greeting from Argos Froyanes and Ervik Havfiske,” expressed the part-owners, marking a moment of collective mourning and remembrance. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:38

F/V Argos Georgia, unsuccessful search for missing mariners; nine bodies on Tuesday to be flown to UK for Autopsies

As part of the ongoing recovery effort for those crew members still missing from the fishing vessel Argos Georgia, over the weekend MV Pharos SG and one other vessel conducted a search of the datum area. This search unfortunately provided no further results of anyone missing or debris, points out the latest report from the Falkland Islands Government. On Saturday 27 July 2024, 13 crew members left the Islands on a military flight which was provided by the Government of Spain. The remaining crew member remains in Stanley and will return to their home country in due course. The bodies of the 9 deceased crew members remain under the care of the Coroner and will be taken to the UK to undergo the required formalities, before being released to their loved ones. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:12