Daily Archives: September 19, 2012

OUR OPINION: Back off, NOAA – enterprisenews.com, and who the hell is NOAA spokesman Scott Smullen? Put yer hand back in yer pocket, parasite!

At the urging of Sens. John Kerry and Scott Brown, and Gov. Deval Patrick,  among others, the U.S. Department of Commerce last week declared the Northeast  groundfish industry a disaster, opening up the possibility of $100 million in  federal funds to assist the people most affected by the disaster: fishing  families.  One published report paraphrased a NOAA spokesman’s email in response to the  news, stating “… federal officials would like to work with states to develop  spending plans to maintain the viability of the industry, advance research  initiatives, and support at-sea monitoring …” NOAA spokesman Scott Smullen  later said “if we get an allocation,”

This loan arrangement is such a smelly, nasty finance scheme, based on quota. The nerve of noaa to stick their greedy hand out! When did those morons acquire allocation, which is the loan collateral.

Oh yeah. The AFF was not $8.6 million. It was $100 million , and the current you tube on the front page is perfect for this article. Rotten Bastards.


Breaking – Ex-AG asked to probe fishing permit bank gloucesterdailytimes.com

Former state Attorney General Scott Harshbarger is under contract and has begun an assessment of the “governance, policies and operations” of the Gloucester Fishing Community Preservation Fund, the permit bank has announced…. The fund, which is organized as a 501(c)3 non-profit, operates as a permit bank under the presidency of Vito Giacalone, and was capitalized with $12 million in a 2007 mitigation grant from the state for sacrificing Grade A fishing and lobstering grounds to a liquefied natural gas terminal just offshore.


Scallopers facing 30 percent catch reduction in each of the next two years – southcoasttoday

NEW BEDFORD — The scallop catch could be cut up to 30 percent in each of the next two years in what fishermen say would be a heavy blow to the industry. Deirdre Boelke, a scallop plan coordinator with the New England Fishery Management Council, said the reductions are needed because fewer full-grown scallops are available for harvest…… “The projected catch for 2013 and 2014 is in the neighborhood of 40 million pounds,” Boelke told The Standard-Times after a meeting of the council’s Scallop Oversight Committee in New Bedford on Tuesday. That’s down from just under 57 million pounds in 2011, the latest full-year figures available……”It’s a big hit that will affect everyone,” said boat owner William Wells of Seaford, Va., who chairs the scallop advisory panel, made up of industry members. “Each vessel will lose 46,000 pounds and there’s about 347 vessels. With prices ranging from $8 to $12.50 a pound, just do the math.”


Abundance of Squid Leads to New Commercial Fishery in Maine – mpbn

The changing climate may be responsible for the emergence of a new commercial fishery in Maine. Earlier in the summer we heard a lot about the abundance of early-appearing soft-shelled lobster. Well, the warmer months also bought a lot of squid into Maine waters — much more than usual.http://www.mpbn.net/Home/tabid/36/ctl/ViewItem/mid/3478/ItemId/23770/Default.

North Carolina to get tougher on fisheries rules violators – tougher stance on recreational fishing rule-breakers. – hamptonroads.com

The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Marine Fisheries Commission late last year adopted new laws that will place recreational anglers under the same violation schedule as commercial fishermen. The laws go into effect Oct. 1, and violators could lose their licenses for anywhere from 30 days to two years

http://hamptonroads.com/2012/09/north-carolina-get-tougher-fisheries-rules-violators http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/mf/rules-and-regulations

Cash catch: Loan program launched for local fisherman – wickedlocal.com

BREWSTER —The Community Development Partnership has been working to provide affordable  housing and to help small businesses get started and keep going for years, but  now it’s dropped anchor in a new field: fishing.The partnership has $250,000 available for loan to small fishermen on Cape  Cod to be used to purchase allocations of groundfish, skate or monkfish. The money came from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  which awarded,,,,,,,, $1 million