Daily Archives: March 5, 2023
Coast Guard, agencies rescue 4 fishermen near Dauphin Island, Alabama
NEW ORLEANS — The Coast Guard, along with partner agencies, rescued four boaters after their vessel began to take on water near Dauphin Island, Alabama, Sunday. Coast Guard Sector Mobile watchstanders received a call over VHF channel 16 at 5:17 a.m. Sunday from the 90-foot commercial fishing vessel Lady Lily reporting their vessel was taking on water with four people aboard. Watchstanders coordinated the launch of a Coast Guard Air Station New Orleans MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter aircrew and a Coast Guard Station Dauphin Island 45-foot Response Boat- medium boatcrew to assist. Video, >click to read< 22:05
Heading Back North After a Major Refit
When seine netter Sara Karin was delivered in June 2017 to father and son Oddgeir and Erik-Andre Brose Krag, it wasn’t long before they knew they would need a bigger boat – and with an eleven-month rebuild practically complete, that’s exactly what they have. Designed by Marin Design, Sara Karin started life as a 19.80 metre seine netter, and they family have fished successfully. In its last full year of operation, 2021, Sara Karin landed 2200 tonnes of H&G frozen blocks, and was among the top seine netters in the Norwegian fleet. ‘The problem is that for six to seven months of the year fishing is along the coast of Northern Norway. The other months are we sailing all the way up the Bear Island, and sometimes to Isfjorden at Svalbard. It’s roughly 500 nautical miles for us to Isfjorden, and around half of that distance if fishing around Bear Island,’ Erik-Andre explained. 14 photos on 2 pages, >click to read< 17:56
Amid record-low chum runs, Board of Fish pares down limits on Area M’s June fishery
The Yukon River’s chum salmon runs have returned at record lows over the last three years. At a recent meeting, the Alaska Board of Fisheries debated a contentious proposal that would have reduced fishing time for a controversial and lucrative fishery along the Alaska Peninsula, called Area M. Area M is a mixed-stock “intercept” fishery that targets salmon further from their spawning grounds than terminal fisheries like Bristol Bay. Proposal 140 was meant to limit the amount of chum caught in Area M’s South Peninsula fishery in June to allow more chum to return to Western Alaska rivers. The board ended up passing some restrictions on the fishery, but it’s far short of what residents in those areas were hoping for. And communities that depend on the Area M fishery say they aren’t satisfied either. >click to read< 13:20
Claims about offshore wind farms killing whales are unsubstantiated, scientists say
Since December, more than 23 whales have washed up dead along the east coast of the United States, leading wind energy skeptics to lay blame on the pending installation of offshore wind projects. But some scientists with the federal government say that there is no evidence to support those claims. Last year, the Biden administration sold six leases to produce wind from turbines off the mid-Atlantic coast, part of its effort to fight climate change by boosting production of clean, renewable energy. Some pundits and politicians have concluded that preconstruction activity on new wind turbines has resulted in an increase in the death of whales. Clean Ocean Action has joined Republican New Jersey Reps. Chris Smith and Jeff Van Drew to demand a suspension of wind development. >click to read< 11:32
Maritime Explorer: Captain Rusty Court
Rusty Court is well known in these parts as a fisherman and lobsterman, but he also has quite the maritime history beginning in 1961. It was in that year that Rusty entered the Coast Guard and was stationed in Washington, D.C. as part of President John F. Kennedy’s Honor Guard. The Honor Guard presides over ceremonies such as at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and is present when visiting dignitaries arrive in Washington. >click to read< 09:05
The Whale slaughter continues, but is this just the beginning? By Jim Lovgren
Another Humpback Whale washed ashore on a New Jersey beach on March 1st , the 12th known Whale to die since the start of December, along the New York, New Jersey shoreline, coincident with multiple research vessels using active Sonar, seismic Pingers, and Ultra High Resolution Seismic sparkers. As more research vessels ply our waters, more dead Whales wash up on the beach. This is just the start of the gigantic ecosystem changing industrialization of the US continental shelf from the Gulf of Maine to Florida. We now have 23 dead Whales on the east coast within a three month period, and despite what government officials claim, it is not a normal amount. >click to read< 07:55