Daily Archives: November 12, 2023
How the US coast guard made an unsinkable boat
Introducing the remarkable 47-foot Motor Lifeboat (47 MLB), an unsinkable marvel exclusively operated by the United States Coast Guard. This vessel’s self-righting ability is a testament to naval engineering, with a low center of gravity, high buoyancy, and watertight integrity that defy the odds of capsizing. The dedicated surfmen, after six years of rigorous training, navigate treacherous waves with precision, employing techniques to outrun, dodge, and absorb wave energy, ensuring safety during rescue missions. Despite the challenges of time, efforts are underway to extend the operational lifespan of these unsinkable heroes, a symbol of resilience and unwavering dedication to maritime safety. Video, >>click to read<< 16:47

Murphy Tagged $1 Billion of Ratepayer Subsidies to Bailout Failed Foreign Wind Energy Corporation
Senator Michael Testa recently addressed the withdrawal of Ørsted, a Danish wind energy company, from the Ocean Wind 1 & 2 offshore wind farm projects in New Jersey. Testa’s comments highlighted the complexities and controversies surrounding the state’s investment in green energy. Testa criticized the allocation of state funds, including a $1 billion investment in Ørsted’s projects, as a burden on taxpayers and ratepayers. He described the investment as “a drop in the ocean,” underscoring his view that the funds were insufficient to achieve the intended goals. Additionally, Testa expressed concern about the establishment of a $5 million wind institute, which he perceives as a “propaganda arm” of the wind industry. >>click to read<< 14:50
Save US shrimping industry. Buy domestic wild-caught shrimp.
For decades, South Carolina’s shrimpers have faced challenges, but the imported shrimp crisis has reached a critical juncture. The influx of foreign shrimp, often at artificially low prices, is decimating our domestic shrimping industry, putting the livelihoods of thousands of South Carolina families at risk. The situation has changed dramatically in recent years. The rising tide of imported shrimp far outpaces shrimp consumption in the United States because of subsidized foreign production and lax trade enforcement. American shrimpers aren’t competing on a level playing field. We face an inflection point. If we do not take decisive action, the domestic shrimping industry will collapse, with devastating consequences for our coastal communities and the heritage of shrimping in South Carolina. >>click to read<< 09:06
In Texas, Vietnamese American Shrimpers Must Forge a New Path Again
The sun was still rising when Vinh Nguyen hauled in his first catch of the day. For the next half-hour, he worked methodically, using his bare fingers to sort the slippery crustaceans from Matagorda Bay. The famed Texas brown shrimp went in one bucket. The Texas white shrimp in another. Seagulls and pelicans hovered around him in the cool, sticky air, while dolphins swam alongside the boat. All were eager for the discarded fish — free breakfast. By noon, Mr. Nguyen caught enough shrimp to take home about $600, a decent profit these days, but still less than in years past when $1,000 marked a good day. “Not much,” he frowned, as he stood on the slick deck assessing the ice chests that were now filled with shrimp. Photos, >>click to read<<07:35