Tag Archives: ocean industrialization

Russian spy ship armed with stealth cable cutter subs spotted lurking over UK internet cables
The vessel was above at least one commercial sub-sea cable and was seen zig-zagging through seas north of Mayo and Donegal in an apparent search for more. It then moved to the west of Killybegs fishing harbour before scuttling off into the Atlantic. Ireland’s Defence Force and NATO are on alert and monitoring the situation, The subs are carried beneath an enormous “mothership” undersea vessel and are built to lurk at the bottom of the ocean – entering the Atlantic by sailing down from the Arctic. International Offshore Infrastructure Warfare? >click to read< 20:07

The bird people are willing to let them die for Offshore Wind Farms. The responsible wind farms, that is!
There is no shame when it comes to ignorance! “Renewable energy sources, including wind power, are essential to saving the lives of countless birds, in addition to saving our coasts.” – As the country takes stock of the first months of the Biden Administration, the waters of New England are playing host to the epicenter of one of the major climate commitments made shortly after the president took office. The largest U.S. offshore wind project to date, Vineyard Wind, has received the green light to start building off the coast of Massachusetts, promising to deliver 800 megawatts of energy to over 800,000 homes. As conservation organizations that are committed to the protection of birds and the ecosystems,,, >click to read< 08:42

Fishermen support local legislator’s bill that would ban offshore wind projects in the Gulf of Maine
The bill, LD 101, was introduced by Rep. William “Billy Bob” Faulkingham (R-Winter Harbor) who is also a commercial fisherman. “It is time to put a permanent halt to offshore wind development,” Faulkingham said during a hearing with the Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee. Dozens of fishermen submitted testimony,,, Lobsterman Jason Joyce said the push by foreign wind companies seeking to industrialize the Gulf of Maine is an “unprecedented attack” on the fishery. “There are many other options of renewable green energy that don’t require the destruction of a hard-working industry,” wrote Nathaniel Snow, a Tremont lobsterman. “Nuclear power, hydroelectric and solar are all much more viable options. >click to read< 16:50

Initial work is being done at the OSU Oregon Coast Wave Energy Project test site
Initial work is being done on the OSU PacWave South wave energy test site, with the onshore components being connected to the offshore facility in this spot. There are two areas off the central Oregon coast where the PacWave testing will be done. Near Waldport is the southern spot, while another near Newport is the northern rigging. The work being done here includes horizontal directional drilling deep beneath the park and ocean shore. Later subsea cable installation work will primarily be between 1 and 7 miles offshore. PacWave South is the first marine renewable energy research lease the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has issued in federal waters off the West Coast.,, Five power and data cables buried below the seafloor will connect the ocean test site to a shoreside facility southeast of Seal Rock. >click to read<, with links to hearings/meetings 10:23

L.D. 101: Commercial fishermen and their supporters seek total ban on offshore wind farms
The bill would prohibit any state agency from permitting or approving any offshore wind energy project regardless of its location. It was introduced by Rep. Billy Bob Faulkingham, R-Winter Harbor, a commercial fisherman,,, The testimony on L.D. 101 from lobstermen, their families and town officials from fishing communities drew a clear line in the sand,,, In his testimony, Rep. Faulkingham said offshore wind was the worst kind of green energy, calling it up to five times more expensive than market prices, a threat to sea birds and mammals that would eventually take up an area four times larger than Casco Bay and enrich foreign corporations with taxpayer money. Nuclear power and Canadian hydro are better options,, >click to read< 19:23

#OpposeOceanIndustrialization: Floating structure design for offshore solar plant
Norwegian independent research organization Sintef has been tasked by Norwegian energy giant Equinor, and Vollsveien-based engineering specialist Moss Maritime, a unit of Italian gas contractor Saipem, with testing a model of a prototype of an offshore floating solar plant that Equinor and Saipem want to bring to offshore waters.,,“If we succeed here, we can succeed anywhere,” said, in January, Hanne Wigum, the head of Equinor’s solar and wind tech unit. >click to read< 12:14

Opposing Ocean Industrialization, Maine fishermen, families protest offshore windmills
Hundreds of Maine fishermen and their families protested offshore windmills in Augusta Wednesday. Local fishermen say they’re under attack, and that offshore windmills could ruin their industry and put them out of work. “Today’s really our opportunity to plead for public support,” Maine commercial fisherman Christopher McIntire said. “We need the support of the state of Maine in order to save our historical fishing grounds from being bought up by oversea companies.” Maine fishermen are fighting against a proposed offshore wind farm. Video, photos, >click to read< 21:23

Ocean Industrialization: The Biden Administration vs. Atlantic fisheries
In its rush to burnish its green bona fides, the Biden administration is showering billions of dollars of subsidies onto European offshore wind developers, and in the process threatening both the environment and the livelihoods of Atlantic coast commercial fishermen. Big Wind — money-making corporations, not philanthropists — stands to earn big bucks. And for what? The reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from building all of that offshore wind will be minuscule and will have no impact on world climate whatsoever. Instead, it is poised to wreck an entire industry and the thousands of jobs that commercial fisheries support. >click to read< 08:50

Protect Maine’s Fishing Heritage Foundation supports LD 101 to pause offshore wind development in state waters
Protect Maine’s Fishing Heritage Foundation (PMFHF) is supporting LD 101 which would pause all wind energy projects in state waters. The bill is sponsored by Rep. Billy Bob Faulkingham R- Winter Harbor.,,, Right now, lobstermen and women face a three headed sea monster (Right Whales, Aquaculture, Offshore Wind) and the outcomes could be ugly. As a result, the inshore fishery is about to get even more crowded. Lobstermen and women have been talking about leaving the offshore fishery which is beyond the three-mile line and coming inshore because of the changes around right whale regulations. >click to read< 11:45

Oppose Industrial Offshore Wind Farms – Attend Peaceful Protest Tuesday April 27th at 4:30pm
I represent Save our Shoreline NJ, a group of nearly 4000 concerned businesses, homeowners, residents, fishing community members, and New Jersey shore vacationers. The view of the industrialization of our ocean by these giant wind farms is the least of our concerns. At first I was concerned about the view, which will be a horrible blight upon our beautiful Jersey Shore, but now I know that other issues are of greater significance. One major environmental concern is for the severely endangered Atlantic Right Whale and other juvenile whales that regularly visit the Jersey Shore. A major economic concern, our electric bills, which will cripple our New Jersey economy, environmental and economic concern is for the fluke fishery,,, by Tricia Conte >click to read< 07:36

1,500 Wind Turbines. 2,700 Square Miles. Atlantic Offshore Wind Farms Will Be Big.
American offshore wind farms, (built of foreign components) of which there are 17 in the works for the Atlantic Ocean, are no longer far off on the horizon. Dire predictions of climate change and how to most quickly pivot to clean energy have fueled the embrace of offshore wind. And while most stakeholders seem on board with the nearly Eiffel Tower-sized turbines, the fishing industry remains a holdout. Meanwhile, the cumulative effect of so many turbines spread across the Mid-Atlantic Bight remains unknown. The bight stretches from the Outer Banks of North Carolina to the Gulf of Maine. video, notable quotes, >click to read< 10:50

Seabed mining ban – a win for marine life, fishing and culture
The Northern Territory Government first declared a three-year temporary ban on seabed mining in March 2012 and has since extended it twice under both the Country Liberal Party (CLP) and Labor Governments. With the temporary ban due to expire in March, Territorians have made it clear that they want a permanent ban. It’s great to see today the Government listen and act on this important issue. “The Top End has some of the last healthy tropical coasts in the world. Seabed mining is like bulldozing the seafloor. It would decimate our marine life, pollute our waters, threaten our fishing and destroy places of cultural significance.” >click to read< 12:37

Testing Concepts for Floating Offshore Solar Panels
A unique test is getting underway exploring the potential of floating offshore solar panels as the latest contributor in the search for new renewable energy sources. Norwegian energy company Equinor, which has already expanded into offshore wind, is collaborating with a developmental energy company, Moss Maritime, to test the solar technology including in the harsh Norwegian environment. “We have been working on this concept for the past three years, most recently through our partnership with Equinor,” >click to read< 13:01

Bankruptcy fears after fishermen lose prawn fishing grounds so cable can be laid in North Sea
North East fishermen say they will be left “bankrupt” after losing their prawn fishing grounds to a cable being laid across the North Sea. The Havhingston fibre optic telecommunications cable, which will span 940km in total, will cross the sea between Denmark and Seaton Sluice. “It’s taking away our fishing grounds, we’ve got no say in it, and there’s no compensation package in place. >click to read< 11:14

Saipem, Equinor collaborate on floating solar panel park solution for coastal applications and rough weather conditions
According to a statement by Saipem, the technology will be based on the in-house developed concept by offshore rig designer Moss Maritime, part of Saipem’s XSIGHT division dedicated to high value-added services, which is a modularized system, designed for easy fabrication, transportation, and installation at the operation site. >click to read< 12:42
Maryland offshore wind plan likely to pass, but will it be built?
After years of trying, Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley is poised to win approval from state lawmakers in the coming weeks for a field of towering windmills in the Atlantic Ocean. Read more here
Oregon wave energy plan ready for vote after four years of work
“It was a painful process,” said Josi. “Fishermen were the primary controversy … having to tell where their best sites are, and not only that, but having to give up fishing grounds. No matter what you do there is going to be one fishery or another hurt. People who live shore side don’t want to look at these facilities. People who use the ocean for recreation want to make sure their playgrounds are protected. We had to develop standards for all of those.” Read more
Boston Herald Wind Shill Writer Slams Cape Wind critic William Koch – bankrolled the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound
Billionaire Cape Wind critic William Koch has improved his view of Nantucket Sound with the $19.5 million purchase of an Osterville waterfront estate. Koch bankrolled the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound, the group opposed to the Cape Wind offshore energy project. He’s the brother of Koch Industries owners and Republican financial backers Charles and David Koch. Read more
Deepwater Wind Statement on BOEM’s Announcement of Wind Energy Area for Rhode Island and Massachusetts
“Deepwater Wind applauds today’s announcement by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. We are one step closer to making a regional utility-scale offshore wind farm a reality, serving Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Long Island, New York. Our Deepwater Wind Energy Center, planned for the site in federal waters announced by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) today, is the largest planned renewable……….Offshore wind can be constructed and operated in our ocean waters without significant impacts to the important fishing industry. While we firmly believe that offshore wind and commercial fishing can co-exist and thrive in our ocean waters,,,,,,,,,,,Deepwater Wind will soon hire an experienced and respected fisherman from this region to serve as our liaison to the fishing community. Deepwater Wind commits itself to a development and permitting process in which various fishing interests blah blah blah blah, William M. Moore, Deepwater Wind CEO http://dwwind.com/news/deepwater-wind-statement-on-boem-s-announcement-of-wind-energy-area-for-rhode-island-and-massachusetts