Author Archives: borehead - Moderator

Why every American should care that diesel prices are surging across the country

To many Americans, including politicians, diesel prices are so removed from their version of reality that they often dismiss the importance of diesel to the U.S. and global economies. Today’s truckstop retail diesel prices hit a new record of $5.32/gallon. However, diesel is the fuel that drives the economy and leaves major industries vulnerable to cost shocks. Without diesel fuel, the U.S. economy would collapse in a matter of days. Our supply chains would completely shrivel, almost overnight. Trucks use it to haul our goods across the country. Of all Class 8 trucks (the big ones), 97% use diesel. A world without diesel would mean that our grocery stores and restaurants would run out of food, retail store shelves would be empty, and hospitals would run out of medical supplies. But that is just scratching the surface. Farmers use diesel to power most of their machinery. Nearly every fishing vessel around the world uses diesel for power. Without diesel, our fishing food supply chain would collapse. >click to read< 17:39

House Passes Sullivan’s American Fisheries Advisory Committee Act

U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan, a member of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, welcomed House passage this week of S. 497, the American Fisheries Advisory Committee Act, bipartisan legislation he introduced to create an industry-led committee to assist in the administration of fisheries marketing, research, and development grants. The Saltonstall-Kennedy (SK) Act provides funding for fisheries marketing, research, and development. These funds are derived from a portion of fishery import duties. To inform how these funds are allocated, Congress authorized a group of experts from different segments of the fishing industry to advise on commercial fishing problems and needs. Following a 1972 law, the original American Fisheries Advisory Committee was disbanded. In the committee’s absence, the National Marine Fisheries Service decides, by its own criteria, who receives grants. >click to read< 12:36

New York: Wind farm’s fish monitors irk fishermen

East-End fishermen expressing outrage over a fish-monitoring program funded by a wind-farm conglomerate that may end up leaving more than 40 large concrete blocks on the ocean floor in vital fishing grounds. A research boat was working off the coast near Wainscott Thursday to collect data and install new monitoring devices that are smaller and longer lasting than those installed just over a year ago. However, no plans have been developed to remove the 500-pound anchors for the older devices,,, Fishermen say Orsted has ignored their pleas to leave monitors out of crucial fishing grounds and to remove the 500-pound blocks. >click to read< 11:36

Big Story: Lobstermen fear disaster as new gear regulations take effect

Doug McLennan isn’t worried about the state of the fishery. What worries McLennan and thousands of other Maine lobstermen is the latest round of federal regulations designed to protect the endangered North Atlantic right whale, and additional measures being planned for the next decade. The newest regulations took effect Sunday, though their enforcement has been delayed until supply chain issues for some of the required gear are resolved. This is just the latest in gear regulation change required by the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan,,, Many lobstermen have raised concerns about safety and the potential for gear failure and loss of expensive traps under the new rules, and they worry about what is coming next. >click to read< 09:16

Scottish Governments “senseless” ban on Firth of Clyde ‘ruining generations of business’

Furious fishermen have accused the Scottish Government of devastating their historic Firth of Clyde industry with a “senseless” ban. Boats in the area support more than 600 jobs, many of which are in small family businesses keeping the way of life alive for remote communities. But fishermen were left shocked when ministers implemented an 11-week ban in February, leaving them unable to earn a living. The move is designed to encourage the resurgence of cod stocks, but previous restrictions allowed vessels which didn’t interfere with their habitat to continue working. >click to read< 08:10

Lobster fishing season in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence will open on Tuesday

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans announced on Saturday that lobster fishing areas 23, 24, 26A and 26B South will open on May 3 at 6 a.m.  That includes areas along the northeastern coast of New Brunswick, the north shore of P.E.I., the western coast of Cape Breton, and part of the Northumberland Strait. The season was supposed to start on Saturday, but earlier this week the DFO postponed the opening due to the weather and the need for dredging at many harbours. >click to read< 19:40

Commercial Fisherman Gary Haynes of Ketchikan, Alaska has passed away

Gary Lin Haynes was born to Joyce and Ole Haynes October 12, 1954 in Ketchikan, Alaska. He was the third of three boys. Gary was born into a commercial fishing family. He and his brothers went out with their dad from a young age. It truly was his passion and he never wanted to do anything else. He married his high school sweetheart, Liz on March 22, 1975. They soon had three children, Amber, Ole, and Brad. All of his children would later fish with him. His daughter worked with him for 22 years. The boys both broke off on their own earlier and currently have their own boats and operations. Gary commercially fished salmon, halibut, black cod, herring and would later pack geo ducks and sea cucumbers. >click to read< 15:32

Louisiana HB1033: Legislation Would Have Major Costs, New Report Details Fishery’s Economic Value

Despite attempts at further regulation, the Gulf menhaden fishery is already being sustainably managed. The most recent stock assessment found that the species is not overfished nor is overfishing occurring. Since 2019, the Gulf menhaden fishery has been certified sustainable by the Marine Stewardship Council. “This report demonstrates that these proposals would likely cause real economic harm to not just the menhaden fishery, but to the coastal communities that rely on it,” said Ben Landry, Director of Public Affairs at Ocean Harvesters, which operates a fleet of menhaden fishing vessels. “Severely restricting our fishermen in state waters is both damaging and unnecessary.” The report looked at the direct, indirect, and induced impacts of the fishery, which is one of the largest in the region. >click to read< 13:56

Missing Digby County man found dead in Sissiboo River

Graham Cromwell, a lobster fisher from Weymouth Falls, N.S., who went missing in the Sissiboo River on Wednesday, has been found dead about a kilometre away from Gates Lane crossing. According to an RCMP news release, Cromwell’s body was located at 5:30 p.m. AT on Friday. Police were informed on Wednesday that Cromwell, 48, had entered the river near Gates Lane crossing but was not seen exiting. >click to read< 11:38

Memorial unveiled to honour fishermen who lost their lives at sea

A memorial has been unveiled for two fisherman who lost their lives off the Sussex coast. Robert Morley, who was 38, and his crew mate, Adam Harper, died when their vessel sank in November 2020. The sculpture was unveiled today in Newhaven, on what would have been Robert’s 40th birthday. Robert’s mother Jackie Woolford said, “I couldn’t have given him a better present. “We’ve always had something to focus on.” It is also a memorial to other local fisherman who have lost their lives, including Darren Brown, who died at sea in 2016, aged 37. Videos, photos, >click to read< 09:49

Cape May fisherman finds submerged engine from WWII-era aircraft

The engine of an aircraft that dates back to World War II was found underwater off the coast of New Jersey earlier this month while a former National Guardsman was out fishing for squid. The discovery was made by fisherman Randy Camp and his captain, Jake Wiscott, while they were out fishing and felt something unusually heavy in their net. When they got the machine out of the ocean, Camp knew pretty quickly that he had come across a neat artifact,,, >click to read< 08:25

Abegweit First Nation won’t launch treaty lobster fishery off P.E.I. this year

The community held a press conference on Friday saying it is still negotiating with DFO to get an agreement on the fishery, clarifying that it will not follow the decision of Lennox Island First Nation to launch such a fishery without the federal government’s support. Once it finalizes an agreement, Abegweit said it will launch its self-regulated moderate livelihood fishery when the community deems it is the right time. Gould wants to make sure all commercial fishers on the Island realize Lennox Island and Abegweit are separate communities, and Abegweit is conducting its own negotiations with DFO independently. Abegweit First Nation fishes commercially using communal licences owned by the band, and the chief said he is proud of the relationships his community has built with non-Indigenous harvesters in the surrounding area. >click to read< 18:07

Search continues for Nova Scotia fisherman who jumped in river after DFO intervention

 The search for a missing 48-year-old lobster fisherman who jumped into a river in Digby County continues today. Graham Cromwell from Weymouth Falls, N.S., was last seen by Fisheries Department inspectors jumping into the Sissiboo River Wednesday night. A Fisheries Department spokesperson says Cromwell and three others were fishing near Weymouth Falls around 9 p.m. and allegedly fled when two fishery officers attempted to carry out an inspection. >click to read< 15:40

Another blow for Killybegs fish processors in weighing debacle

Two Killybegs fish processors have had their in-factory weighing permits suspended by the SFPA amid the weighing debacle. The action was taken by the Sea Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) after it reportedly refused to recognise Derry as part of Ireland. Earlier this month, a Norwegian vessel was prevented from landing its catch of blue whiting in Killybegs due to the approach which has been taken by the SPFA in regard to the weighing of fish. The weighing system would have rendered the fish unfit for human consumption. >click to read< 12:55

House backs limits, but pogie bill faces tough path in Senate

A bill that would put the first substantial limits on Louisiana’s biggest but least-regulated commercial fishery cleared the state House of Representatives this week but could face fierce opposition in the Senate. House Bill 1033 would cap the menhaden catch in Louisiana waters at 573 million pounds per year and require menhaden fishing vessels to report daily locations and catch amounts to the state. This year’s bill was backed by conservation and recreational fishing groups but opposed by the menhaden industry and some of the communities that depend on it for jobs and tax dollars. >click to read< 11:54

Blaine, Washington: The 38th year for the Blessing of the Fleet, Sunday, May 1st

The Puget Sound commercial crab season closes by the middle of March. For me, when we get all of the gear put away for the season, it’s time to focus on preparing for the Blessing of the Fleet ceremony, which is put together and organized by the Fisherman’s Memorial Committee along with the Port of Bellingham and Blaine Chamber of Commerce. The blessing this year will be 1:30 p.m. Sunday, May 1, and like last year, we will be outside by Gate 2 at Blaine Harbor – weather permitting. If it rains, we will be inside in the conference room. >click to read< By Gary Dunster 10:58

‘Amazing’ heritage tall ship built in 1892 arrives in Co Down

A 130-year-old heritage tall ship named ‘Leader’ has docked in Newry where it will be used for the benefit of the local community. The Brixham trawler was formerly a survivor of the fleets of sailing fishing boats that once fished in the Irish Sea. Sailing from Bristol’s Underfall Yard after dry docking and a maintenance refit, the 130-year-old Brixham trawler, arrived at the Albert Basin in Newry, County Down. >click to read< 10:10

Underwater cables linked to deformities and poor swimming ability in lobsters

Marine scientists used a specialist aquarium laboratory at St Abbs Marine Station in the Borders to expose more than 4,000 lobster and crab eggs to a level of electromagnetic field predicted to be equivalent to that experienced near underwater cables. Comparative groups of lobster and crab were not exposed in the research, which involved scientists from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh and St Abbs Marine Station. Researchers found lobsters exposed to the field were three times more likely to be deformed than those which were not, with bent and reduced tail sections the most common deformities, while some had disrupted eye development or puffy and swollen bodies. >click to read< 08:15

F/V Nobska: Back-to-Back Hydraulic Hose Failures Caused Destructive Blaze

On April 30, 2021, while fishing for haddock at Georges Bank, the crew of the F/V Nobska spotted a fire on the lagging of the main engine’s exhaust pipe. After putting it out, they determined that the source of the fuel was a broken hydraulic hose located in a pipe tunnel, which ran between the wheelhouse and the engine room. The crew replaced the hydraulic hose and removed the oil-soaked lagging from the exhaust pipe, leaving the pipe bare. With the situation apparently resolved, they went back to fishing.  About four hours later, the captain of the Nobska noticed that there was black smoke coming out from underneath the wheelhouse winch-control console,,, >click to read< –  SEARCH RESULTS FOR: F/V NOBSKA 19: 40

P.E.I. – Lennox Island First Nation to launch unauthorized treaty lobster fishery

The Lennox Island First Nation says it will be launching a treaty lobster fishery off P.E.I.’s North Shore next week with or without the federal government’s support. The First Nation has a clear treaty right to harvest lobster for a moderate livelihood without the federal government’s approval, a right affirmed by the Supreme Court of Canada in the 1999 Marshall ruling.  The First Nation intends to launch the treaty fishery on Saturday, May 7, weather permitting. On Thursday afternoon, the provincial fishermen’s association issued a written release, calling it “unfortunate” that discussions between the federal government, non-Indigenous fishing associations and First Nations have not taken place to discuss the requirements further.  >click to read< 17:09

NPFMC asks industry for recommendations on Bristol Bay red king crab

The Bristol Bay red king crab fishery is historically one of the most valuable in the state, but for the last decade, the stock has been declining. Last fall, surveys showed that the female biomass of the stock had fallen below acceptable levels for harvest, and managers closed it. At the April NPFMC meeting, the council members approved a motion to ask the industry to come back with a list of voluntary actions harvesters and other industry stakeholders can take to help reduce bycatch of Bristol Bay red king crab and reduce discard mortality in the directed fishery. Industry stakeholders include not just the directed harvesters in the red king crab fishery, but also reach to the Pacific cod sector, pollock, and Amendment 80 fleets, which impact red king crab stocks based on area and bycatch rates. >click to read< 15:10

Sites off Coos Bay, Brookings targeted for offshore wind farms by Biden Administration

Two areas off the Oregon Coast are being targeted to host offshore wind farms as the Biden administration seeks to ramp up renewable energy production. The U.S. Department of the Interior announced Wednesday that the locations being identified to potentially host wind farms are about 12 nautical miles offshore Coos Bay and Brookings. The areas comprise about 1.16 million acres (468,787 hectares) in total. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland described the upcoming steps taken toward possible leasing off the coast of Oregon as “another opportunity to strengthen the clean energy industry while creating good-paying union jobs.” Bullshit, Lady. >click to read< 12:39

ADFG expect huge Togiak herring return but low harvest this season

The Togiak herring fishery opened to the purse seine fleet today, kicking off the 2022 season. The state department of Fish and Game anticipates a herring biomass of over 357,000 tons, the largest forecast since the state started using its current assessment model three decades ago. When department staff flew a survey on Tuesday, they saw lots of herring, but no fishermen yet. “We flew, we only saw two tenders over there,” Sands said. “There weren’t any fishing vessels yet. I know they’re on their way. Sometimes it can take several days: Just because the herring are there doesn’t mean the roe is mature enough for the companies to want to harvest them.” >click to read< 11:14

Right whale defenders question energy industry donations

A group opposing wind projects off the coast of Massachusetts released a report Tuesday that documents contributions from wind energy developers to environmental groups in the state, donations that the authors of the report say cast questions on the ability of groups to analyze the impacts that wind projects have on the endangered North Atlantic Right Whale. The report, released by the Save Right Whales Coalition, catalogs $4.2 million between wind developers like Vineyard Wind, Bay State Wind, and Orsted to environmental groups in Massachusetts such as the Environmental League of Massachusetts, New England Aquarium, and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. >click to read< 09:35

P.E.I. Lobster season delayed by weather, need for dredging

No date has yet been set for opening P.E.I.’s spring lobster fishery in LFAs 24 and 26A. The season was originally set to open on Saturday. “If the tide is reasonable and the weather conditions are favourable, I’m sure we can squeak out over it,” said Chris Wall, who has fished out of Malpeque for more than 30 years. “Weather is something that we always watch and talk about on P.E.I. anyway, but you do have to pay more attention to it, especially when you’re going with a fully laden boat … For some people, it’s the first time out of the harbour for the year because it hasn’t been fit to leave otherwise.” >click to read< 08:41

Biggest Crab Boat in the World: Facts You Might Not Know

Crab fishing is a dangerous industry popularized by the hit TV reality show The Deadliest Catch. You might be wondering which boat is the biggest crab boat in the world. For your information, the Fierce Allegiance is the biggest boat featured on the show at 166 feet long and is among the largest known crab boats. We’ll take a look at crab fishing and boats to dive into this industry. Crab fishing is a complicated type of fishing because of the dangers associated with it. Setting out to the frigid waters of the Bering Sea months at a time and having to haul hundreds of tons of crabs as you work toward your catch quota, this sort of life in Alaska waters is no joke. The many health risks associated with the job have also been featured on the show many times. Photos, >click to read< 21:45

Fishing Industry Using Acoustic Technology to Track Northern Cod

The fishing industry is going high-tech in an effort to track northern cod in waters off Newfoundland and Labrador to collect more information about its movement. Industry and government are spending about $9 million to place acoustic tags on codfish that undergo significant annual migrations, the movement of which is tracked by an array of acoustic receivers that have been deployed in waters up to 200 miles off eastern Canada. >click to read<  20:16

Oregon: From the boat to the food truck

It’s a family affair for David and Amabelle Kimball, who own and operate Oregon Fishmongers, a food truck that serves Newport and Waldport. Their children, Gracie, 18, Sven, 17, and Jules, 13, help their parents on the truck, with Gracie taking orders and working the window while Sven and Jules help with cooking. “It’s a lot of fun,” Gracie said. “You can make your own hours and don’t have to work for the man. It’s great.” David worked as a chef for several years all over the country, so he has a background in the culinary field. The family boat, F/V Gracie Arlene, is a commercial vessel based out of Newport. He said opening the food truck was a logical step. >click to read< 17:49

Mayor Mitchell brags about New Bedford’s port status, but endorses projects that hurt fishing industry

“This was a really sad day for us. After 24 years of docking our lobster/fishing boats at Marine Hydraulics, the City of New Bedford has decided to eliminate 15 small commercial fishing berths to build the North Terminal. Ironically, the mayor said the project will add much-needed commercial fishing berths. Please explain??! I understand the need for the city to expand and adapt to future technologies but don’t totally displace the industry that put us on the map for the last 22 years and longer, especially small family businesses. >click to read< by Jarret Drake 16:34

Fishermen say weighing system rendered catch unfit

More than 1,000 tonnes of high-quality blue whiting were rendered unfit for human consumption in Killybegs, Co Donegal last weekend because of the weighing system used by the Sea Fisheries Protection Authority, according to the Irish Fish Processers and Exporters Association. The IFPEA said the ‘MFV Lauren’ returned after her maiden voyage to her home port of Killybegs and was subjected to a “full monitor” or control weighing by the SFPA. The ongoing row over the weighing regime has seen a number of vessels leave Killybegs with their catch rather than comply with the weighing system, which skippers and processors say would damage their catch. >click to read< 14:54