Daily Archives: June 15, 2013
‘A family reunion with NASCAR and tractor pulling:’ lobster boat racing season begins
“It’s like family reunion, mixed with NASCAR and tractor pulling,” Travis Otis of Searsport, the vice president of Maine Lobster Boat Races, said about the summer-long race series. “It’s the camaraderie between everybody. We’re all in the same boat, we’ll say. And it gives us the opportunity to let off a little steam by racing and getting bragging rights. It’s a nice time for everybody.” By early afternoon on Saturday, no boat had exceeded the nearly 80 miles per hour that Galen Alley of Jonesport has achieved in the past in his tricked-out boat Foolish Pleasure. Alley did not compete in the Boothbay race. continued@BDN bunch o videos here
Commercial troll fishery still good off coast, and sport angling good one day and slow the next
“The commercial troll fishery has caught almost 6,000 chinook in six weeks,” said Pat Pattillo, the state Fish and Wildlife salmon policy coordinator. During the first three weeks of the troll fishery that began on May 1, about 20 boats actively fishing landed 8,700 chinook in the northern waters off La Push and Neah Bay (Marine Catch Areas 3 and 4). continued@seattletimes
In Another Time > Fishing has always been dangerous work
The most tragic fishing accident in the history of the Wildwoods occurred as October was fading into November in 1921 and as the local fishing season was coming to an end. It took the lives of 11 men.
When they began their voyage that morning in windy weather that was not especially unfitting for seafaring the men were in two 35-foot power boats owned by Augustus Hilton and his son, John. Augustus, more popularly known as Gus, was mayor from 1900 to 1908, first of Anglesea, then of North Wildwood when it changed to its present name in 1906. The father and son were owners of the Hilton and Hilton Fish Company which was affiliated with Consolidated Fisheries. continued@wildwoodshorenewstoday
The Fish Tank Trade – Man sells 74 baby sharks caught in Florida waters – NMFS ain’t screwing around with these guys.
Dean Trinh, 43, of Milpitas, Calif., just north of San Jose, faces 30 years in prison if convicted on five counts of illegal purchase and sale of sharks (he allegedly didn’t have a permit) and one count of conspiracy, according to federal court records. Trinh was also indicted federally on May 23 in California in a similar case involving protected leopard sharks. In both cases, Trinh is accused of using his business, AquatopUSA, to sell the fish for display in aquariums. More cases. continued@keysnews.com
Atlantic Coastal Fisheries Cooperative Management Act Provisions; American Lobster Fishery – Proposed Rule; Request For Comments.
American Lobster Fishery; Fishing Effort Control Measures To Complement Interstate Lobster Management Recommendations by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. NMFS proposes new Federal American lobster regulations that would control lobster trap fishing effort by limiting access into the lobster trap fishery in Lobster Conservation Management Area 2 (Federal nearshore waters in Southern New England; Area 2), and in the Outer Cape Cod Lobster Conservation Management Area (Federal nearshore waters east of Cape Cod, MA; Outer Cape Area). continued@federal register
Talk of the Times: City woman, Frances Ferrante, takes fishery pitch to Obama:
President Obama, who has come under fire here and in other fishing communties for turning a deaf ear to the needs of New England’s and America’s fishermen, nonetheless heard a face-to-face pitch on behal fof Gloucester’s fishermen this week from a very different type of lobbyist. continued@gloucesterdailytimes
Pacific Seafood Finds Temporary Facilities After Processing Plant Fire – Audio
Workers at a Pacific Seafood processing plant near Astoria are racing to finish modifications on a borrowed plant, after a devastating fire last week. The fishing season is in full swing and Pacific Seafood has made a quick pivot to keep production rolling. continued@Oregon Public Broadcasting