Daily Archives: June 14, 2013
Salmon season opens in SW Alaska
With the summer peak season just around the corner, early June saw a number of initial openings for commercial salmon fishing in Southwest Alaska. While the major influx of Western Alaska’s sockeye run is still to come, fishermen on the
southside have begun to get their nets wet. continued@thedutchharborfisherman
“One of my crew looked at me and said, ‘We can’t save her.’ – Captain Donat Leblanc -F/V Lady Angele
A tiny infant and a four-year- old filled Danny LeBlanc’s mind when he knew his 14-metre boat was going down off the coast of Cheticamp Thursday. “Did I think of my sons? For every single second of it,” said LeBlanc, his voice wavering during a telephone interview Friday. LeBlanc, his father Donat, 69, and two other crew members couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw the Lady Angele taking on massive amounts of water Thursday afternoon. continued@chronikleherald
Endangered Atlantic Salmon Are Facing A New And Potentially Devastating Threat
The Atlantic salmon, already an endangered species in the United States and in parts of Canada, is facing a new threat: A recent breakdown in an international agreement with Greenland may mean that tens of thousands of Atlantic salmon—which otherwise would have been protected—will be harvested at sea before they can return to North American rivers to spawn. Clearly the U.S. and Canada should step up and protect their endangered Atlantic salmon by doing what needs to be done to enforce this multinational treaty. continued@Forbes.com
Is Pebble Partnership CEO John Shively on the pipe? Says the commercial salmon industry in Alaska is losing its importance!
Pebble Partnership CEO John Shively is in Washington, D.C. this week lobbying Congress. “You have to understand that the reason five senators from the West Coast can write a letter about the salmon industry, is because so many salmon fisherman don’t live in Alaska,” he said on Capitol Hill. “They take our resource, and they go somewhere else to spend their money.” continued@ktoo John. They take the money they make feeding human beings!
Positive outlook for SE Alaska commercial net fisheries
Traditional commercial net fisheries in Southeast Alaska will kick off the season Sunday. Bill Davidson is Fish and Game’s regional coordinator for commercial fisheries in Southeast. He says he’s looking forward to a productive year for both gillnetters and seiners. continued@ktoo
High lobster landings in Canada keep dockside prices low in Maine
ELLSWORTH, Maine — Similar to 2012, prices Maine lobster fishermen are getting for their catch are low for this time of year, when a low supply usually results in higher prices. But this spring it’s not high landings of soft-shell lobster in Maine that are to blame, according to lobster industry officials. It’s high landings of hard-shell lobster in Canada. continued@bangordailynews
Festival! – Cape May – Annual blessing 5:30-6:30 p.m. Friday evening Fisherman’s Memorial – Harbor Fest drops anchor Saturday, June 15.
Preceding the Harbor Fest will be the annual blessing of the waters ceremony 5:30-6:30 p.m. Friday evening at the Fisherman’s Memorial on the harbor at the end of Missouri Avenue. On Saturday, Harbor Fest will feature a street festival with prepared fresh seafood as well as landlubber fair, a beer garden, street vendors, entertainment and educational displays. continued@capemaygazette
iPhone and Android App helps track changes to fishing laws
The app, available for both iPhone and Android users, was developed for the management council by an outside contractor that previously worked on similar software for the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council. Costs for the project totaled $8,000, about $5,000 less than the council pays every 18 months to update and release color brochures listing the same regulations. continued@starnewsonline
Unalaska Responders Put Out Fire on F/V Blue Pacific
A fire broke out aboard the freezer longliner Blue Pacific Wednesday morning while it was tied up at the Coastal Transportation dock. continued@kubc
Lobster firm seeks processing space on Portland pier
PORTLAND — Richmond-based Shucks Maine Lobster could soon be processing seafood on the city’s working waterfront. The company wants to lease nearly 19,000 square feet of space in the city-owned Portland Ocean Terminal on the Maine State Pier. continued@portlandpressherald
Bluenose II won’t be open for public use during sea trials (fiasco!) video
The Bluenose II III schooner, Nova Scotia’s sailing ambassador, will not be open for public sailings anytime soon. The province said the remake of the historic ship still needs to undergo sea trials. “It’s not ready for public use at that time,” said Communities, Culture and Heritage Minister Leonard Preyra continued@cbcnews
Bluenose II was built in 1963 and weighs around 285 tonnes.
Our Pain, Their Gain – Cod quota raised in Iceland for the upcoming fishing year (it will be imported here, keeping prices low at the dock)
The Marine Research Institute (MRI) recommends a 20,000-tonne increase in the cod quota for the upcoming fishing year. This was reported by the MRI in its report presenting the outlook for the fish stocks and the recommended quotas for next year. continued@newsoficeland
Banner Scallop Year in Aquinnah Comes to Close
The Aquinnah bay scallop season ends Friday, marking what is believed to be the latest date for a bay scallop season closing in the commonwealth. The scallop season usually runs from fall until the last day of March, but Aquinnah shellfish constable Brian (Chip) Vanderhoop said unusual circumstances led to the extension of the fishery this year. continued@vineyardgazette
Scallop Boat F/V Ocean One Has to Fix 21 Safety Violations, Says Coast Guard
The Ocean One, a 75-foot commercial scallop boat, has to fix numerous safety violations and pass an inspection before they get back in business, the Coast Guard said on Wednesday. The Coast Guard cited 21 violations which are considered “deficiencies,” not criminal charges, and they do not carry fines, said Coast Guard Petty Officer Cynthia Oldham. continued@the patch
Your Seafreeze Ltd. PRICE LIST for June 13, 2013 has arrived
Click here for the complete price list. ”The only thing we treat our fish with is respect”!
Nature Conservancy aquires more ground fish permits
The New Hampshire Fisheries Sectors and The Nature Conservancy today announced an innovative new partnership that seeks to improve fisheries in the Gulf of Maine and sustain New Hampshire’s struggling ground fishing fleet. continued@fosters.com
4 fishermen rescued after boat sinks off Cheticamp, N.S. – Joint Rescue Coordination Centre said the crew of F/V Lady Angele issued distress call
Rescue crews rescued four fishermen off Cape Breton Thursday afternoon after their fishing boat sank. The Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Halifax said the crew of the Lady Angele put out a distress call about 2:40 p.m. continued@cbcnews