Daily Archives: June 18, 2013

The PEI Fishermen’s Association has obtained funding from the provincial government to develop a PEI Fishermen’s lobster brand

Association president Mike McGeoghegan said the study will look into the feasibility of an Island brand owned and controlled by Island fishermen. He added the brand would include a component that would ensure a fair price is paid to fishermen. continued@novanewsnow

In rural Alaska, the spoils of the sea set village against village

A generation ago, organizers envisioned federally guaranteed shares of the pollock catch that would create a rising tide of funds to lift up poor, isolated villages where jobs and hope are scarce… Pollock did succeed, wildly. The dollars hat flowed into the Community Development Quota Program, as the catch-share system was called, created a hydra-headed nonprofit money machine. Six nonprofit groups arose on the Bering Sea shore, and they have invested mightily in ships, real estate and processing plants. Over two decades, the groups amassed a combined net worth of $785 million… But the results on the ground, in rural community and economic development, have been deeply uneven, and completely nonexistent for many people who still gaze out to the blinking lights of the factory ships and wonder what happened. continued@NYT

Residents shocked by fishermen’s death

PETIT-DE-GRAT, N.S. — Local residents in the quiet, mostly fishing communities on Cape Breton’s Isle Madame remain gripped by each day’s headlines and rumours about the disappearance of 43-year-old Phillip Boudreau. Bill Joyce, general manager at local CITU FM radio station in Petit-de-Grat, was on friendly terms with Boudreau and the three men charged with his second-degree murder. He said no one ever thought they would be facing the accusations. continued@sou’wester

Lake Erie’s multi-species commercial fishery has entered MSC assessment.

LAKE Erie’s multi-species commercial fishery has entered MSC assessment. If certified, this fishery will provide a significant volume of lake fish to markets in North America and globally. There are six species of lake fish being considered in the assessment: yellow perch, walleye (pickerel), rainbow smelt, lake white fish, white bass and white perch. These six species are caught by vessels based in Ontario, Canada, using trawls, trap nets and gill nets and by vessels based in the U.S. portion of Lake Erie using trap nets. continued@ fishnewseu

Six Terrebonne oystermen arrested

Six Terrebonne Parish oystermen were arrested late last week for taking oysters during a closed season, according to the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Enforcement Division. continued@houmatoday

Savannah River fish passage could divert up to 100 percent of the Savannah River’s flow to a series of rock ramps

The newest proposed design for fish passage at New Savannah Bluff could divert up to 100 percent of the Savannah River’s flow to a series of rock ramps to be built on the channel’s South Carolina side. The project, with a current price tag of $30.2 million, would allow migratory fish such as sturgeon, American shad and striped bass to access spawning habitat upstream. continued@The Augusta Chronicle

NOAA predicts possible record-setting deadzone for Gulf of Mexico

NOAA-supported modelers at the University of Michigan, Louisiana State University, and the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium are forecasting that this year’s Gulf of Mexico hypoxic “dead” zone will be between 7,286 and 8,561 square miles which could place it among the ten largest recorded. The high estimate would exceed the largest ever reported, 8,481 square miles in 2002. continued@phys.org

Last education trip for Cape Fear Community College research vessel Dan Moore

WILMINGTON, NC (WECT) – When the Dan Moore pulled away from its dock in downtown Wilmington this week, it began the last trip to the ocean as a teaching classroom for Cape Fear Community College. continued@wetc6

Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Recommends First-Ever Cap on River Herring and Shad Catch

Last week the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council approved a 236 metric ton (MT) cap on incidental catch of river herring and shad in the U.S. Atlantic mackerel fishery for 2014. Under the new cap, the mackerel fishing fleet—which is primarily composed of trawlers—will risk early closure if they are unable to successfully avoid river herring and shad. continued here

Group of P.E.I. fishermen cerculate a petition for fisheries minister resignation

CBC_News_logoA group of fishermen, angry over the low price of lobster and the P.E.I. government’s response to it, have signed a petition demanding the resignation of Fisheries Minister Ron MacKinley.  continued@cbcnews

Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Approves Omnibus Recreational Accountability Measure Amendment

During a meeting last week in Eatontown, New Jersey, the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council voted on a suite of alternatives that would change the way the Council manages recreational fisheries. The measures were part of the Omnibus Recreational Accountability Measure Amendment initiated by the Council in December 2012 in response to concerns that the current system of accountability measures (AMs) did not adequately consider the inherent uncertainty in recreational fishery catch estimates. continued@public notice section

Tribal fishing season begins on Columbia River

PORTLAND, Ore. — Tribal fisheries have begun their commercial summer fish sales today along the banks of the Columbia River. continued@Yakima Herald-Republic

My View: Joann Mackenzie – Richard Gaines

gdt iconThe ones his beloved Jack Kerouac said were “mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved. Who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars…” Richard Gaines found those words by Kerouac on a poster and framed that poster and hung it in a place of honor, so no one who walked through his front door could miss it. continued@gloucesterdailytimes

Fishery annual catch limits (ACLs) and Striped Marlin Overfishing on Agenda for WPFMC Meeting in Honolulu

Honolulu – (17 June 2013) Each year since 2011, federal fishery managers have been required to set annual catch limits (ACLs) for all federally managed fish stocks with a few exceptions. During this week and next, the scientists and managers responsible for setting the ACLs for  Hawaii and the US Pacific island territories meet to set the limits for 2014. The sustainable catch level is based on not only scientific factors but also socioeconomic and management uncertainty considerations. continued@pacificnewscenter

Editorial: Farm Bill ‘baby steps’ hardly address real fishery needs

gdt iconThe two provisions of the U.S. Senate’s Farm Bill that provide aid to fisheries are indeed a pair of baby steps that should offer benefits to Gloucester’s and New England fishermen. But in considering those proposals — submitted by acting U.S. Sen. William “Mo” Cowan, who’s holding down the former John Kerry seat until voters next choose between Ed Markey and Gabriel Gomez — it’s important that congressional leaders don’t make them out to be more than that. continued@gloucesterdailytimes

Hawaii fishermen say development is hurting reefs

Hawaii fishermen asked policymakers to address how runoff caused by land development harms reefs, fisheries and oceans when they consider how to cope with the effects of climate change. Ocean health can’t be looked at in segments, Oahu fisherman Roy Morioka told a committee of the federal body responsible for managing fisheries around Hawaii and other parts of the western Pacific region.Government officials need to take a comprehensive approach, Morioka told a Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council committee on ecosystem management in Hawaii today. continued@honolulustar

Louisiana Fishermen make passionate call against Mississippi River diversion plan – video

CHALMETTE, La. — Emotions ran high Monday night at a meeting in St. Bernard Parish about coastal restoration. The plan to divert the Mississippi River into wetlands has sparked an uproar, with some in the fisheries industry saying it’ll kill their livelihood. It’s a 50-year plan expected to cost $50 billion, all in the name of restoring the state’s disappearing coast line. Monday night, it came under fire. “I don’t want it. Nobody wants it,” said Robert Campo, a St. Bernard Parish resident. “Hey, let me tell you something. This government was built for the people by the people. When the hell did that go out the damn window?”         continued@wwlt

Great Bay Aquaculture of Maine’s Cod Farm at Frenchman Bay Closes Up Shop

SORRENTO — Almost one year to the day after it received approval from the Department of Marine Resources (DMR) for a 20-acre cod farm in Frenchman Bay, Great Bay Aquaculture of Maine, LLC, has apparently pulled up stakes and gone home. continued@fenceviewer