Daily Archives: August 21, 2014

Alaska’s Board of Fisheries releases 2014-2015 proposal book

Fishermen and other stakeholders are asking Alaska’s Board of Fisheries to consider 162 proposals to change subsistence, commercial, personal use and sport regulations in fisheries throughout the state during the 2014-2015 meeting cycle. Read more here 18:55

Today, Katsheshuk Fisheries pleaded guilty to two OHS breaches, including failure to provide necessary safety training.

Katsheshuk Fisheries is looking at a hefty fine after a fatal accident aboard the Katsheshuk II. The shrimp boat was enroute to Bay Roberts from the Funk Island Bank in 2012 when two employees were sent to clean the shrimp tank. VOCM’s Lacy O’Connell reports. Read more here, audio report  17:15

Improvement seen in fall lobster prices

Even though there has been a marked improvement from last year, a Howard’s Cove fisherman says fall canner prices are still about a quarter, and market prices about 50 cents, below where he expected them to start out. Read more here 16:04

Catching Bugs in Casco Bay with Chebeague Island’s Only Female Lobsterboat Captain

Mary ToddMary Todd is a lobsterman. She’s been on the water since she was twelve years old and this summer she’s the only female captain operating a boat out of Chebeague Island. Mary runs her boat, F/V Aiden and Sadie (named after her twin children),with her sternwoman and stepdaughter Emma. Read more here 15:36

Assessment Oversight Panel Meeting – GOM cod – Friday, Aug. 22 at 10 a.m. – Listen online

nefmc logoSummary: Planning meeting for upcoming review by NEFMC SSC of the operational assessment of Gulf of Maine cod on August 28-29. To join the meeting via adobeconnect click here   Read more here 14:50

Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council – The August 2014 Council Meeting Report is now available

MAFMC_logo_4Issues Addressed: Deep Sea Coral Amendment – Research Set-Aside – Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Specifications – Bluefish Specifications – Comprehensive Summer Flounder Amendment – Black Sea Bass Wave 1/May 1 Framework – Special Management Zones – Omnibus Amendment to Simplify Vessel Baselines – Listening Session: NOAA Fisheries’ Fishery-Dependent Data Visioning Project Read more here 14:35

High-Ranking Alaskans Call on U.S. State Department to Intervene with Canada over British Columbia Mine Threats

A broad coalition of Alaskans, including the state’s bipartisan congressional delegation and some of its largest commercial fishing organizations, urges U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to intervene with Canada as large-scale mine developments in British Columbia (B.C.) near Alaska’s southeast border rapidly advance. The request comes  in B.C,,,Read more here 13:54

The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) proposed revisions to its regulations for commercial fishing vessels carrying flammable or combustible liquid cargos in bulk.

uscg logoThe proposed revisions would reflect a 1984 statutory change that eliminated fishery-specific and geographical limitations on a statutory exemption that, effectively, permits certain commercial fishing vessels to carry and dispense flammable and combustible material including petroleum products. The proposed revision would additionally simplify regulatory text. The USCG said it does not expect the proposed rule to result in any economic impact on industry. ( yeah, ok) 13:26

Always Top Quality! Your Seafreeze Ltd. Prefered Price List for August 21, 2014

Seafreeze_eMail_HeaderContact our sales team today @ 401 295 2585 or 800 732 273  Click here for the complete price list from Seafreeze Ltd. where The Only Thing They Treat YOUR Fish is With Respect ! Visit our website  10:34

ASMFC Releases Cancer Crab PID for Public Comment

Cancer Crab PID for Public Comment (public comment accepted until 5 PM EST on October 3, 2014; send comments to ktaylor@asmfc.org – Subject line: Cancer Crab PID Read more here 10:15

A new report on Ocean Grabbing – The Global Ocean Grab

Ocean grabbing is not only about fisheries policy. It is unfolding worldwide across an array of contexts including marine and coastal seawaters, inland waters, rivers and lakes, deltas and wetlands, mangroves and coral reefs. The means by which fishing communities are dispossessed of the resources upon which they have traditionally depended is likewise taking many shapes and forms. Read the report here    09:52

Seals ‘brought TB to the Americas before Europeans’

BLAME the marine mammals. Seals and sea lions may have brought a form of tuberculosis to the Americas, centuries before the Spanish did so. Read more here 09:32

Drawing The Line – Impacts of Food Production on the Environment

Special thanks to South Australians Against Marine Parks. Click here 09:03

No date to have Placentia lift bridge working fully

Fisherman Jim Mulroney lost time putting a hinge on the mast of his longliner so he can pass under the immobilized bridge. “Lost the fishing. Could have been 8,000 or 10,000-pound cod caught,” he said. It takes Jamie Barnett, who fishes on both sides of the bridge, a full day to take his mast down or put it back up again. “So I’m losing money on days that I could be fishing inside or outside, right?” he said. Read more here 08:44

WCPFC must urgently address bigeye tuna mortality

Newly released stock assessment that shows bigeye tuna is being overfished underlines why the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) must take decisive action at its December annual meeting to reduce further reductions in bigeye mortality. Read more here 07:46

The Environmental Movement Becomes a Bird-Killing Machine

kevinhearnSelf-proclaimed environmentalists lecture the rest of us about using less energy, even as the rich ones fly around in private jets. They will starve farmers of water to protect an insignificant though endangered fish, even as many of these same people turn a blind eye to the mass destruction of birds, including endangered species.Read more here 07:32

Water Politics: Pelosi’s home city exempted from water restrictions imposed on rural farmers

The Endangered Species Act has wreaked havoc for decades on rural communities, but a newly filed lawsuit could force San Francisco urbanites like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to share their pain. A federal complaint filed this week contends that the Hetch Hetchy Project, which supplies water to San Francisco and the Bay Area, has unfairly enjoyed an exemption from the “severe cutbacks” required in rural California in order to save endangered fish species. Read more here 07:13