Daily Archives: August 24, 2014
Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council Meeting, Biloxi, MS. , August 25 – 28, 2014
Tuna Gets Snagged in Food Safety Tug-of-War – “clearly out of step with mainstream published peer-reviewed science.”
Consumer alert: Pregnant women should avoid eating tuna, including tuna salad sandwiches, sushi, and grilled tuna steaks, a new study from Consumer Reports says. “We’re particularly concerned about canned tuna,,, Read more here 20:12
Joe Macinko spanks Eric Olson: Fishery council chair’s response to bycatch criticism snagged bottom
The outgoing chairman of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council, Eric Olson, has responded to my commentary “Canada’s trawlers drastically cut bycatch, why can’t Alaska’s?” In his response, he says I have ignored all the good work done by the council in the way of bycatch reduction. Rather than refute my claims, several of the statements, misdirections and omissions he makes serve to illustrate my points. Read it here 14:46
‘Warm blob’ keeps possible record sockeye run away from U.S. waters
In a development that has left local fishermen scratching their heads, it appears an unusually warm section of ocean water is helping send nearly the entire sockeye salmon run into Canadian fishing waters this season. According to data from the Pacific Salmon Commission through Tuesday, Aug. 19, in recent weeks about 99 percent of the sockeye salmon has gone through the Johnstone Strait into Canadian waters. Read more here 14:00
Gulf fishing authority says red-snapper fix is easy, as Recs turn on each other, Charters want a Piece of the Rock!
Dr. Bob Shipp is THE authority on Gulf of Mexico red snapper. He recently retired after serving the last 20 years as chairman of the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of South Alabama, and he also served two nine-year stints on the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council, the board responsible for making recommendations to
NOAA Fisheries NMFS about how federal Gulf fisheries are to be managed. Read more here 11:03
Flourishing commercial chum fishery has Kotzebue fishermen breaking out the boats
KOTZEBUE — In an industry full of booms and busts, the Kotzebue commercial chum salmon fishery is exploding. The reasons for the banner year are twofold. One is that it’s turning out to be one of the best chum salmon runs in decades. The other is competition, with three fish buyers on the scene driving up the price per pound. Read more here 10:21
Killer Whale caught in net, Freed by Fishermen. High Drama for Whale Watchers
A young killer whale is trapped in a fisherman’s net. A pod of distressed whales cries out frantically as the youngster struggles to get free. Sightseers aboard a whale-watching boat that arrives to help are stunned at what they see. Read more here 09:44
Rhode Island Fishermen’s Alliance Weekly Update, August 24, 2014
“The Rhode Island Fishermen’s Alliance is dedicated to its mission of continuing to help create sustainable fisheries without putting licensed fishermen out of business.” Read the update here 09:11