Tag Archives: Baird Maritime

F/V Frøyanes: Ice-Capable Trawler/Crabber for Norwegian Barents Sea Fishing Company

Norwegian fishing company Ervik Havfiske recently took delivery of a new shrimp trawler built to a design by naval architecture firm Marin Teknikk. The steel-hulled F/V Frøyanes is outfitted as a triple-rig trawler that can also be utilised for catching snow crab in the Norwegian and Barents Seas. “Ervik Havfiske wanted a combination of shrimp trawling and crab catching capability,” Thomas Edvard Gjerde, Sales Manager Fish and Aqua at Marin Teknikk, told Baird Maritime. “The owner also wanted a vessel with a moonpool, which is a common feature on the longliners in its fleet.” The array of fishing equipment on Frøyanes includes conventional trawls and a large moonpool through which crab pots can be hauled on board. Moonpools that have proven effective in longliners are also confirmed to be useful in working with crabs, particularly in ensuring their gentle handling and protection from the elements for better catch quality. This also allows female crabs to be easily sorted out and released back into the sea so they can reproduce. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 10:24