Author Archives: borehead - Moderator

P.E.I. lobster harvesters seeing low prices despite strong catches

With only a few weeks left in lobster season on Prince Edward Island, fishers are seeing lower prices. New London, P.E.I., lobster harvester Peter Pidgeon said harvesters were hearing about the big prices in Nova Scotia and getting excited for the season. He said prices are currently sitting a little lower. “This year it’s a little lower. We’re at $6.25 a pound and $6.50 a pound right now.” Nat Richard, the executive director of the Lobster Processors Association, said the association is in the midst of the largest catch year ever in Canada. “The cost to hold inventory just went through the roof. That’s always a concern when you have an imbalance in terms of the supply and demand picture and that’s very much what we are dealing with this year,” he said. Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 16:32

Illegal fishing vessels intercepted west of Torres Strait

ABF’s Maritime Border Command, in partnership with the Australian Fisheries Management Authority, detected and apprehended the Indonesian vessels, which were found to be allegedly fishing illegally in the vicinity of Deliverance Island, also known as the Warul Kawa Indigenous Protected Area. The illegal fishing crews, which included 14 men and one juvenile were conveyed to Darwin and placed in fisheries detention while the incident was investigated, and prosecution considered. Before being transported to Darwin, the fishers were loaded into a vehicle at Seisia wharf in the Northern Peninsula Area (NPA) on 21 June. MBC Commander Rear Admiral Brett Sonter said the interception should serve as a warning for other illegal fishers attempting to enter Cape York and Torres Strait waters. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:56

State and federal fisheries concerns addressed at Peltola public meeting

U.S. Rep. Mary Peltola, D-Alaska, held a fish-focused telephone town hall meeting on Thursday, June 20, during which people from across the state voiced concerns related to both state and federal fisheries. Those who called into the meeting, identified by first name only, provided both questions to Peltola and general comments. Callers expressed frustration with what they said were mixed messaging in fisheries management, the lack of understanding among elected officials, and the need for bipartisan work in addressing these issues. H.R. 8508, sponsored by Peltola and two others, authorizes National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to reauthorize their Bycatch Reduction and Engineering Program. The bill was referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources in May. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:17

What does a California ban on salmon mean for the livelihood of fishermen?

This time of year, Ben Hyman of Wild Local Seafood would like to be out on a boat, fishing for salmon. But for the second year in a row, federal fishery managers have closed all salmon fishing in California. The decision has devastated the state’s fishermen.  “The Sacramento River system and the various rivers that stem from it are major producers of king salmon. Some of the largest runs in the world, and especially on the West Coast, have [come] from this river system,” Hyman says. “A lot of the fishing seasons are determined by how many fish make their way up the rivers. “Last year’s closure cost California fishermen approximately $45 million, with some sources saying that is only a fraction of the loss. Hyman says many of his colleagues have left the industry, including third-generation fishermen and those in the business for more than 50 years.  more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:42

Agreement reached in fishermen’s suit against Golden Ray

Federal lawsuits filed by commercial fishermen and charter fishing captains against the owners and operators of the Golden Ray were dismissed after an agreement was reached by all sides. A joint stipulation of dismissal filed Tuesday in the U.S. District Court’s Southern District of Georgia said the “parties have resolved this litigation.” Terms of the agreement were not disclosed. The Golden Ray capsized on its port side in the early hours of Sept. 8, 2019, while heading to sea with 4,161 vehicles and an estimated 380,000 of fuel in its tanks. Shrimpers like Johnny Bennett, captain of the Dora F, told The News in September 2022, when the lawsuit was filed, that he and his peers had been pulling up car bumpers and other parts from the water in their nets after the shipwreck. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:17

Florida Fisherman Pleads Guilty to Tax Evasion

A Florida man pleaded guilty yesterday to evading taxes on income he earned from commercial fishing in Massachusetts. According to court documents and statements made in court, Christopher Garraty, of New Port Richey, and formerly of Newport and East Greenwich, Rhode Island, worked as a commercial fisherman and deckhand for fishing companies operating out of New Bedford, Massachusetts. Despite earning substantial income working as a fisherman, Garraty did not file until 2012 any federal income tax returns for tax years 2002 through 2011. When he filed the delinquent returns, he reported that he owed a total of approximately $234,497 in taxes for those nine years. But even after reporting that he owed taxes, Garraty did not make any payments to the IRS. In addition, Garraty did not file returns for 2015 through 2018 despite earning approximately $600,000 in fishing income across those years and owing approximately $179,382 in taxes. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 16:07

Highway Funds Illegally used for Floating Wind Factories

The Biden Administration is illegally redirecting hundreds of millions of dollars in highway grant money to fund construction of floating wind manufacturing facilities. The funding mechanism is the INFRA Grant Program in Biden’s Transportation Department. To begin with, here is how the website describes the Program: “What is the INFRA program? INFRA (the Nationally Significant Multimodal Freight & Highway Projects program) awards competitive grants for multimodal freight and highway projects of national or regional significance to improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of the movement of freight and people in and across rural and urban areas.” Projects typically range from as little as $8 million up to $200 million. Here is their list of eligible projects, which is pretty clear and simple,,, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 14:36

Sipekne’katik First Nation, federal government to begin mediation in effort to settle fishing dispute

Litigation scheduled for next year that could have helped settle outstanding questions about treaty fishing rights related to the Marshall decisions will no longer happen, after a Nova Scotia Supreme Court judge granted a joint request from Sipekne’katik First Nation and the Attorney General of Canada to instead focus on mediation. The decision stems from a lawsuit Sipekne’katik filed in 2021 that wanted a declaration from the court that the federal Fisheries Act and regulations infringe on the treaty right to fish lobster for a moderate livelihood. That includes the prohibition on catching and holding lobsters without a licence and fishing outside of a commercial season. The trial was to start in May 2025, but this April, just as witness discovery was set to begin, the two parties served notice to the court that they’d reached an agreement to focus instead on mediation. They filed a joint request to have the trial dates and all other pretrial milestones adjourned. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:37

Wild-Caught Chesapeake Blue Catfish Phenomenon Booming: Thank Goodness

Buena Vista Seafood in San Francisco deals in high-end seafood from all around the world. European blue lobsters, Kambatia Reef Fish from Kenya, California Purple Urchins, and Icelandic Arctic Cod, to name a few. Now, the company has added wild-caught Chesapeake Blue Catfish to its list of offerings. “Chesapeake blue catfish check all the boxes,” says Polly Legendre,,, Legendre said the blue cats check the sustainability box because they’re an invasive species,” insanely prolific in terms of reproduction. Targeting them for harvest will help ease the toll they’re taking on the rockfish and blue crab populations, both iconic value species that have built the Chesapeake reputation. Tilghman Island Seafood’s processing capacity and dedication to quality control give their filets a long shelf life and are the reason we can get them from the East Coast to the West Coast in great condition. So they’re a sustainable and reliable fishery. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:16

Governor urged to use ‘Oregon way’ in ocean wind energy development

Oregon’s state seafood commodity commissions have expressed their concerns in a letter to Kotek over federal offshore wind energy development plans proposed for the southern Oregon coast. The letter emphasizes what the commission states are adverse effects on the ocean environment and Oregon’s sustainable seafood industry. Oregon Trawl, Oregon Dungeness Crab, Oregon Albacore and Oregon Salmon Commissions urged Kotek to prioritize Oregon’s own planning process under the auspices of the state official “Roadmap” initiative, intended to guide responsible offshore wind energy development in Oregon. The Oregon groups opposing the development said the offshore wind facilities will be built in the pristine ocean ecosystems that support remarkable marine biodiversity, including many protected species. No environmental studies have been performed to assess the risks of large-scale offshore wind energy production which risks overwhelming this unique remote ocean region, according to the opponents. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:32

Why retired officer says Marine Police guarding the Chesapeake Bay are being ‘wasteful’

Andrew Cortez cares deeply about the Chesapeake Bay. “The Chesapeake Bay is our natural heritage,” Cortez said. “A healthy bay helps everyone.” The retired law enforcement officer was an investigator for 36 years, working to keep the Chesapeake in check with different agencies as a special agent with U.S. Fish and Wildlife. He now has concerns about the group meant to do just that: the Virginia Marine Resources Commission, which oversees Virginia Marine Police. “One of the things that really struck me is the amount of money they’re spending on what I would consider to be toys, unnecessary squandering of public money,” Cortez said. Photos, video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:38

“Wicked Tuna” Star Opens Gloucester Fish Market

Reality television personality Dave Marciano opened his new fish market on Gloucester’s waterfront Thursday. Angelica Seafood Market, 52 Rear Commercial St., sells locally caught fish and merchandise from the show Marciano is known for, National Geographic’s “Wicked Tuna.” Despite his star power, Marciano said his market will work toward Gloucester’s greater good just like any other business. “Tourism is part of the fabric of the Gloucester community now,” Marciano said. “So anything, like the many other businesses, that we can add to get people into this town is all a positive.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:09

Seafood industry groups unite to oppose bill that would limit bottom trawls

A bill introduced last month in the U.S. House of Representatives that could place limits on trawling by fishermen and shrimpers is drawing the fire of seafood industry groups from Alaska to Florida. House Resolution 8507, the Bottom Trawl Clarity Act, would require the nation’s eight regional Fisheries Management councils, some of which allow fishing trawls to scrape the bottom, to define the terms “substantial” versus “limited” contact of the bottom. The bill is authored by U.S. Rep. Mary Peltola, D-Alaska, who said in a summary of the legislation that “limiting the areas where bottom trawling is allowed will help enhance marine health, diversity, and resilience, strengthening the ocean ecosystem that Alaska fishermen depend on.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 16:15

Bristol Bay Fishermen Cautiously Optimistic About 2024 Season Citing Higher Prices, New Processor

This season, the Bristol Bay 2024 sockeye salmon forecast estimates a total run of 39 million fish. That’s 35% smaller than the most recent 10-year average run size, and a drop from last season’s 54.5 million fish run. This weekend in Dillingham, the boatyard and harbor were noticeably quieter, with some discussion of crews holding off on big renovations and putting boats in the water later, to help cut costs and recover from last season’s low prices. But despite the lower forecast and market uncertainty, crews seem cautiously optimistic headed into the new season.  Meghan Gervais, a long time captain of the F/V Maru takes a break from boat repairs to get out the grill. Gervais talks about her hopes for the coming season as she turns over a leg of lamb on the grill for family dinner, who is crewing with her this year. She’s been working on boats in Bristol Bay since 2006. “I feel cautiously optimistic,” Gervais said. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 13:33

Harvesters Won’t Fish for Panel Price, Colossal Failure of Price Setting Panel Continues

The offer from the Association of Seafood Producers (ASP) fails to provide a fair distribution of value and highlights the total failure of the price setting system in the province, and harvesters are refusing to fish. “The ask here is straightforward—capelin harvesters are seeking a fair share of the value derived from the capelin fishery. We are proposing a formula-based system that would account for market uncertainties and ensure that the value is evenly split between processors and harvesters. We need to guarantee that at least half the value of the fishery remains with the workers in Newfoundland and Labrador,” explains FFAW-Unifor President Greg Pretty. “If ASP members are serious about this being a shared industry under threat, then give us our fair share,” says Trevor Jones, fish harvester and Negotiating Committee member. “If the Province is serious about preserving the inshore fishery and keeping the value of the fishery in the hands of workers in this province, then they have to take a stronger stance. A minimum price must be a fair price,” says Jones. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:12

Canada to ban open-net pen salmon farming in British Columbia

“Today, we are delivering on that promise and taking an important step in Canada’s path towards salmon and environmental conservation, sustainable aquaculture production, and clean technology,” said Jonathan Wilkinson, natural resources minister. There are dozens of the farms in British Columbia. More than half of wild salmon stock populations are declining in the province’s waters, according to the Pacific Salmon Foundation. Opinion polls have shown a majority of residents in British Columbia support ending open-net salmon farming, while more than 120 First Nations in the province have shown support for land-based closed containment fish farms. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:27

Gulf of Alaska trawl pollock vessels to be included in electronic monitoring program

According to the 2023 annual report from the North Pacific Observer Program, the vast majority of groundfish harvest in Alaska is observed with full coverage, meaning 100% of all trips are monitored by either onboard observers or electronic monitoring. After years of testing the program, electronic monitoring will soon be expanded to include pelagic trawl pollock catcher vessels and tenders delivering to shoreside processors or stationary floating processors, across the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, and the Gulf of Alaska. That includes vessels that already have an observer on board. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:55

Rare blue lobster found by 82-year-old N.S. fisherman returned to the water

A rare blue lobster found by an 82-year-old Nova Scotia fisherman has been returned to the water. Richard Power of Mulgrave, N.S., caught the 3.5 pound crustacean last week in Pirate Harbour. A CTV Atlantic viewer said it was the first blue lobster he had seen in his 70 years of fishing lobsters. The lobster was then put on display at the market to allow the public to take photos and it was “safely released” to the Strait of Canso, where it was originally caught, shortly after. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:48

Lobster dealer sentenced to 5 years in prison for large fraud

Terry Banks, a Brooklyn, N.S., man with a prior record for large-scale fraud, was sentenced Wednesday by Nova Scotia Supreme Court Justice Pierre Muise, in a case that reverberated in the lucrative lobster industry when charges were first laid in 2017. Crown prosecutor Rick Miller said outside the Halifax courtroom that lobster is a top Nova Scotia export and the industry deals in multimillion dollar transactions, but much of it still relies on trust, honesty and handshake deals to do business. “When you allow someone like Terry Banks to get into this industry and take advantage of that, then there’s a real detriment, because people go out of business, people lose their property, people lose their homes, their boats and everything,” he said. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 16:34

Littleproud predicts rough seas ahead for Illawarra wind zone under Coalition government

A future Coalition government would not allow a wind energy zone to be developed off the Illawarra coast, Nationals Leader David Littleproud said in Wollongong on Monday (17 June). To the cheers of a group of anti-wind zone protesters at Belmore Basin, Mr Littleproud said the Coalition would stop wind farms from going ahead. “There will be no wind zone, there is a better way to do this. Make no mistake, we’re going to live up to our international commitments, but we’re not going to tear away your economy, your environment and tear up the social cohesion of this great community,” he said. Mr Littleproud and NSW Nationals Senator Ross Cadell visited the region following the weekend declaration by Federal Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen of a 1022 square km wind zone area, 20 km off the coast. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:53

North Carolina: Debates over ending inshore trawling to protect marine life

For commercial fishermen like Thomas Smith, who works in the Pamlico Sound, shrimp trawling is essential for their livelihood. “Most of our income comes between July and November while working on inshore waters,” says Smith. He said that keeping shrimp trawling operations only in the ocean would only be viable for about two months each year, potentially devastating his business. “It would put me out of business,” he adds. Tim Gestwicki, CEO of the NCWF, supports ocean shrimp trawling but insists that inshore trawling must be stopped to protect juvenile fish species, such as the Southern flounder. “It’s time for us to catch up with the times and quit squandering our resources unnecessarily,” said Gestwicki. Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:37

Athearn Marine Agency Boat of the Week: 34′ South Shore Lobster/Tuna Boat, John Deere 6081

To review specifications, information, and 7 photos’, >click here<, To see all the boats in this series, >click here< 07:45

Floating Wind Madness in Maine

The Government of Maine has really big plans for floating wind, a floating net zero fantasy, in fact. Since floating wind power is the next big green thing, it is worth taking a close look at this ruinous vision. Floating wind is a fad, not an established technology. It has yet to be built at utility scale or tested in a hurricane. The world’s biggest grid-connected system is a tiny 50 MW and just came online off Scotland. The cost of floating wind is necessarily much greater than fixed wind. A fixed wind tower sits on a simple monopile, while a floating tower sits on a huge complex structure called a floater. We are talking about massive 500-foot towers with 500-ton turbines on top and 300-foot blades catching the wind. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:17

Beal takes top spots at lobster boat race season opener at The Boothbay Harbor Lobster Boat Races

Jeremy Beal of Jonesport won two top races at the Charlie Begin Memorial Lobster Boat Races in Boothbay Harbor Saturday, June 15. Beal took first place in the Fastest Working Lobster Boat and Diesel Free For All races. He reached a top speed of 58.5 mph in his boat, F/V Maria’s Nightmare IIbeating second place in the working boat race by almost 20 mph. Last year, Beal also won the free for all. photos, results, >>CLICK TO READ<<

Boothbay Harbor Lobster Boat Races – Contributing photographer Michael Leonard once again captured the action of the Charles Begin Memorial Lobster Boat Races on Saturday, June 15. Here is a sampling of his photographs taken from shore at the Maine Department of Marine Resources facilty at McKown Point using his 600mm prime lens along with a teleconverter. Lots of excellent photos. >>CLICK TO VIEW<< 12:23

Fresh Off the Boat

California fisheries are considered a “Legacy Industry” that sustains local families while helping to attract tourists. Shockingly, the California commercial fleet that included 5,000 boats in 1980 diminished to only 464 vessels by 2022, and Fort Bragg is home to 103 of these registered commercial fishing boats. The fish catchers who are still fishing are finding it increasingly necessary to “adapt or die.” Fortunately, Noyo Harbor seems to have some very resourceful people who have taken this challenge to heart and devised some innovative ways to help get the freshest fish onto your dinner table.   Dan Platt, aka Captain Dan, is a commercial fisherman, diver, and owner of Noyo Harbor Tours in Fort Bragg. He owns two boats: the Zhivago, a converted 1931 former Coast Guard craft for fishing, and The Noyo Star, his eco-friendly electric tour boat. The recent tough times in California fisheries encouraged Dan to think outside the box. To improve his bottom line, he is sometimes able to sell his fish direct from his boat to customers on the dock, cutting out the middleman.  more, >>CLICK TO READ<<10:20

Nigel Farage vows to kick EU fishermen out of UK waters in Reform bombshell

Nigel Farage has vowed to kick EU fishermen out of British waters in a move which will come as a major boost to many who campaigned to take back control of British waters after Brexit. The Reform UK leader outlined his vision in his party’s manifesto, Our Contract with You, launched today in Merthyr Tydfil in south Wales. The document pledges to – among other things – stop EU fleets taking British quotas; expand the Royal Navy overseas squadron; and ban massive supertrawlers such as the Dutch-flagged Margeris from plundering UK waters. The document proclaims the the UK government has “betrayed the industry”. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:53

Area commercial harvest reaches over 438,000 salmon

When state fisheries biologists shut down the Copper River commercial salmon for two 12-hour openers on June 3 and June 8 retail markets in Anchorage ran out of the popular Copper River fish, making way for the fresh catch of Cook Inlet sockeyes which were selling at $14.99 a pound. The decision to close those fisheries was that river waters were low and very cold, and the migration into rivers was running late, said Alaska Department of Fish and Game fisheries biologist Jeremy Botz, in Cordova. But then ADF&G opted to allow a 12-hour opener on Saturday, June 8, which brought in 338 deliveries with an estimated 74,296 sockeyes, 2,724 chum, 493 Chinook and 434 pink salmon. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:40

P.E.I. lobster fishers frustrated by low prices, say they’re the same as 18 years ago

There are just a few weeks left in the spring lobster season on Prince Edward Island, and while catches in many areas have been good, Island fishers are again frustrated by the prices they are being paid on the wharf. At North Lake, P.E.I., Jamie Bruce said fishers are getting $6.50 a pound up to $7, and market prices are the same. Bruce said that’s the same price lobsters were fetching 18 years ago.  “I went back in my records, and I keep a record every year. Actually, I had a guy called me today. He said he thinks in 1997 we even saw these prices,” Bruce said. “So I went back as far as 2006 and we were very similar to what we are then, with the major difference. Everything else is either doubled or tripled in price. Bait. Fuel. Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:15

Offshore wind farm: Business owner fumes over controversial $10billion project on NSW south coast

A commercial fisherman fears his livelihood is under threat after last-minute amendments to a new offshore wind farm were given the green light. The final amendments to the 100-hectare plot of sea where the $10billion project will be built were completed by the federal government on Saturday. The project was initially planned to be just 10km off the coast, where local fisherman Mark Horne caught lobsters for a living, but was changed at the last minute. Fearing that his fishing spot would disappear, Mr Horne invested $500,000 in a new boat to expand into new fishing areas, which is now obsolete following the amendments. photos, charts, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 14:32

Norway: Protection zone’s unexpected consequences hit local fishermen

Norway’s Directorate of Fisheries is being urged to issue a dispensation allowing commercial fishermen to fish for wrasse and crab inside a newly created conservation area for lobster near Stavanger. The Norwegian Fishermen’s Association (Norges Fiscella) believes that such a dispensation can be made without any negative effects on conservation. These measures were introduced to protect over-exploited lobster stocks, but this has had unforeseen consequences for local fishermen, as Norges Fiskarkag and local association Sør-Norges-Fiskarlag have taken the initiative in drawing attention to this issue. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 11:54